Tweet 06/10/2016 05:54 PM RT @IpswichHead: And a huge thank you to @HMC_Org - what a great conference #HMCConf16… 0 0 2016 06/10/2016
Tweet 06/10/2016 06:19 PM Did you catch @HMC_Chair on @5_News with @DigitalSisters discussing teenagers' use of mobile devices? #HMCConf16 0 0 2016 06/10/2016
Tweet 06/10/2016 06:20 PM RT @HMC_Org: Did you catch @HMC_Chair on @5_News with @DigitalSisters discussing teenagers' use of mobile devices? #HMCConf16 0 0 2016 06/10/2016
Tweet 06/10/2016 06:25 PM New survey shows teenagers spend 1 hour+ on phones at night and it's affecting their work @tes @HMC_Chair #HMCConf16… 0 0 2016 06/10/2016
Tweet 06/10/2016 06:26 PM Children wake 10 times+ at night to check smartphones @tele_education @HMC_Chair #HMCConf16…… 0 0 2016 06/10/2016
Tweet 06/10/2016 06:27 PM Children as young as 9 check mobile devices 10 times a night @itvnews @HMC_Chair #HMCConf16…… 0 0 2016 06/10/2016
Tweet 06/10/2016 06:27 PM Teenagers 'checking mobile phones in night' @BBCNews @HMC_Chair #HMCConf16 @DigitalSisters…… 0 0 2016 06/10/2016
Tweet 06/10/2016 06:30 PM Did you catch @HMC_Chair and @DigitalSisters on @BBCWorld today discussing teenage mobile device usage at night? #HMCConf16… 0 0 2016 06/10/2016
Tweet 06/10/2016 06:44 PM RT @royaldungannon Useful advice for everyone not just young people.… #HMCConf16… 0 0 2016 06/10/2016
Tweet 06/10/2016 07:08 PM RT @DigitalSisters: Live on Channel 5 News with @HMC_Chair #onlinesafety #HMCConf16 0 0 2016 06/10/2016
Tweet 06/10/2016 07:39 PM @GillmanSoame @TheRSC thank you for capturing this fantastic moment at #HMCConf16 0 0 2016 06/10/2016
Tweet 06/10/2016 08:48 PM RT Our tips for managing screen time at night off the back of research with @HMC_Org Help your students. #HMCConf16… 0 0 2016 06/10/2016
Tweet 06/10/2016 09:52 PM Independent school teachers are not likely to be suited to tell state schools how to teach @tes #HMCConf16… 0 0 2016 06/10/2016
Tweet 06/10/2016 10:36 PM RT @HeadmasterOs: @HMC_Org thanks for a great first #HMCConf16. Highlight: @WillGompertzBBC on thinking like an artist (artists don't fail)… 0 0 2016 06/10/2016
Tweet 06/10/2016 10:40 PM RT @LeoWinkley: Comment (mine included) on CAMHS in @guardian piece. Schools playing large mental health role. @ISC_schools @HMC_Org https:… 0 0 2016 06/10/2016
Tweet 07/10/2016 10:11 PM RT @tes: The @tes podcast is live. We talk Tory conference; @HMC_Org conference; @MumsnetTowers & smartphones & @DTWillingham… 0 0 2016 07/10/2016
Tweet 07/10/2016 10:15 PM Listen to the latest @tes #podcast for a review of this week's #HMCConf16 headlines 0 0 2016 07/10/2016
Tweet 07/10/2016 10:55 PM RT @JulieLodrick: @AnnHaydonSHS says Twitter is not an option for schools and heads; it is an essential tool for celebrating school life @H… 0 0 2016 07/10/2016
Tweet 08/10/2016 07:57 AM RT @WycliffeHead: Haiku workshop for our nineteen @WycliffeCollege pupils of Japanese this morning. Not many @HMC_Org Heads tweeting that… 0 0 2016 08/10/2016
Tweet 08/10/2016 09:40 AM Private schools pledge their support for national MFL training centre @SchoolsWeek @HMC_Chair @habsboys #HMCConf16… 0 0 2016 08/10/2016
Tweet 08/10/2016 09:40 PM RT @rgsheadmaster: Find out about our means tested bursaries - we work hard to open access to young people who would flourish in our Sixth… 0 0 2016 08/10/2016
Tweet 09/10/2016 08:31 AM RT @kevinfear: Ken Clarke says some lovely things about @nottshigh in Sunday Times. He benefited from "a period of meritocracy and social… 0 0 2016 09/10/2016
Tweet 09/10/2016 08:31 AM RT @kevinfear: "Going to Nottingham High School transformed my whole life." Ken Clarke in today's Sunday Times. Bursaries still doing this… 0 0 2016 09/10/2016
Tweet 09/10/2016 09:11 AM Turning pupil voice into pupil action Dr Joe Spence @DulwichCollege @thesundaytimes blog reflects on #HMCConf16 0 0 2016 09/10/2016
Tweet 09/10/2016 09:33 AM RT @DulwichCollege: Dr Joe Spence, Master @DulwichCollege on leading creative schools - in today's Sunday Times' Education Blog https://t.c… 0 0 2016 09/10/2016
Tweet 09/10/2016 10:48 AM RT @HeadDurham: An excellent discussion of the opportunities that can be available for leadership at school. Had similar conversation with… 0 0 2016 09/10/2016
Tweet 09/10/2016 10:48 AM RT @ianhughmunro: @TheRSC thank you for inviting @HMC_Org to #TheRover.The fab @josephmillson met his match in @fayecastelow #wow#behn http… 0 0 2016 09/10/2016
Tweet 09/10/2016 12:14 PM Stephen Hough @houghhough has said how his education at @Chethams changed his life on @BBCRadio4 #desertislanddiscs #HMCschools… 0 0 2016 09/10/2016
Tweet 09/10/2016 12:16 PM 'My education at @chethams changed my life' Stephen Hough @houghhough #desertislanddiscs @BBCRadio4 0 0 2016 09/10/2016
Tweet 09/10/2016 12:16 PM RT @csfarman: Excellent blog from Dr Joe Spence. Leadership team produce a legacy document for future prefect teams, includes self-appraisa… 0 0 2016 09/10/2016
Tweet 09/10/2016 07:03 PM RT @SianGriffiths6: Let pupils sit on teacher recuitment panels: today's edu blog @thesundaytimes @ST_Newsroom by head @DulwichCollege http… 0 0 2016 09/10/2016
Tweet 10/10/2016 10:46 AM RT @JulieLodrick: It is also an excellent way to build networks across our schools! Good to be in touch with @silcoatesschool @HMC_Org @Ann… 0 0 2016 10/10/2016
Tweet 10/10/2016 10:46 AM RT @silcoatesschool: We completely agree @silcoatesschool @HMC_Org #HMCConf16… 0 0 2016 10/10/2016
Tweet 10/10/2016 02:38 PM #WorldMentalHealthDay - #HMCschools taking steps to raise awareness of and improve national #mentalhealth issues - #wellbeing a no1 priority 0 0 2016 10/10/2016
Tweet 10/10/2016 03:46 PM RT @cheltladiescoll: Our #Wellbeing sessions look at body image, nutrition & exercise, sexuality, mindfulness, self-defence & more #WorldMe… 0 0 2016 10/10/2016
Tweet 10/10/2016 04:09 PM Bromsgrove School launches new international venture in China @BromsSchool #HMCschools 0 0 2016 10/10/2016