Tweet 05/10/2016 01:59 PM RT @independenthead: #Brexit likely to impact on non-EU students access to UK🇬🇧 Universities @HMC_Org #HMCConf16 0 0 2016 05/10/2016
Tweet 05/10/2016 02:00 PM RT @Philip_Britton: @joedale @HMC_Org #HMCConf16 - keen to work on next generation of MFL teachers with you and others in field @BoltonScho… 0 0 2016 05/10/2016
Tweet 05/10/2016 02:01 PM RT @RJMHM: Thank you @sixteenthCgirl @HMC_HigherEd @nchlondon for endorsing EPQ as 'terribly important' #hmcconf16 - ...… 0 0 2016 05/10/2016
Tweet 05/10/2016 02:01 PM RT @JulieLodrick: @HMC_Org #hmcconf16 highlight the value of the EPQ for university. Good luck @KentCollegePemb students for your EPQ prese… 0 0 2016 05/10/2016
Tweet 05/10/2016 02:03 PM RT @AnnHaydonSHS: Standard offer @SurbitonHigh - real breadth of topics studied . Numerous skills gained & that 'joy' from learning ! #HMCC… 0 0 2016 05/10/2016
Tweet 05/10/2016 02:08 PM RT @DownsideHM: Universities' & Employers' Panel #HMCConf16 @HMC_HigherEd chaired by Chris Ramsey ... on challenges with #brexit & exam ref… 0 0 2016 05/10/2016
Tweet 05/10/2016 02:11 PM RT @independenthead: University "Offer high, Accept low" policy only encourages over-prediction #UCAS @HMC_Org @HMC_HigherEd #hmcconf16 0 0 2016 05/10/2016
Tweet 05/10/2016 02:13 PM University policy of offering high but accepting on much lower grades encourages culture of over prediction #HMCConf16 0 0 2016 05/10/2016
Tweet 05/10/2016 02:15 PM Good to hear Dr Suzannah Lipscomb @sixteenthCgirl say #EPQ is 'terribly valuable' to young people - offered by many #HMCschools #HMCConf16 0 0 2016 05/10/2016
Tweet 05/10/2016 02:17 PM Students creating post qualification admissions system themselves - will these market forces move us towards #pqa over time #HMCConf16 0 0 2016 05/10/2016
Tweet 05/10/2016 02:18 PM RT @Philip_Britton: Sam Lucy of @Cambridge_Uni argues taking just 3 A levels not in best interests of sixth form study for student experien… 0 0 2016 05/10/2016
Tweet 05/10/2016 02:18 PM RT @Philip_Britton: Prof Peel of Leicester argues use of adjustment is a consumer side move to post qualification entry -why can't HE gras… 0 0 2016 05/10/2016
Tweet 05/10/2016 02:18 PM RT @IpswichHead: Disappointing that many Sixth Formers are now only starting on 3 A levels - losing the chance to 'take a risk' on broader… 0 0 2016 05/10/2016
Tweet 05/10/2016 02:18 PM RT @sh_hinchliffe: Facinating #HMCConf16 Uni & Employers session - pleas to foster 'the joy of learning' & for a more 'honest' uni applicat… 0 0 2016 05/10/2016
Tweet 05/10/2016 02:18 PM RT @tes: Dr Sam Lucy from @Cambridge_Uni says it's "deeply depressing" that young people believe everything must end in a qualification #HM… 0 0 2016 05/10/2016
Tweet 05/10/2016 02:19 PM RT @RSC_Education: Girls should look to Shakespeare for inspirational role models says a headteacher @HMC_Org… 0 0 2016 05/10/2016
Tweet 05/10/2016 02:23 PM RT @FHSheadmaster: "Education can be uncomfortable, because it should be transformative and it must be disruptive" Prof Mark Peel, Leiceste… 0 0 2016 05/10/2016
Tweet 05/10/2016 02:23 PM RT @IpswichHead: Great quote from panel "tense relationship between satisfaction and education" #HMCConf16 0 0 2016 05/10/2016
Tweet 05/10/2016 02:23 PM RT @HeadBrom: 60% of UK leaders have Arts and Humanities degrees @sixteenthCgirl #HMCConf16 So study the subjects which excite and engage… 0 0 2016 05/10/2016
Tweet 05/10/2016 02:23 PM RT @SallyAnneHuang: As an alumna of @uniofleicester really enjoying hearing the frank wisdom of Prof. Mark Peel discussing university admis… 0 0 2016 05/10/2016
Tweet 05/10/2016 02:24 PM Interesting to hear 60% of UK leaders have Arts and Humanities degrees @sixteenthCgirl @NCHLondon #HMCConf16 0 0 2016 05/10/2016
Tweet 05/10/2016 02:25 PM 'The learning experience should be uncomfortable but fun. Education is about changing yourself' Prof Mark Peel @uniofleicester #HMCConf16 0 0 2016 05/10/2016
Tweet 05/10/2016 02:26 PM RT @RJMHM: Yes, @HMC_Org @sixteenthCgirl @NCHLondon wondering just how many of us in this room hold arts/humanities ...… 0 0 2016 05/10/2016
Tweet 05/10/2016 02:26 PM RT @sh_hinchliffe: Education is about transformation & change - not confirming what you already know, who you already are - Prof Mark Peel… 0 0 2016 05/10/2016
Tweet 05/10/2016 02:26 PM RT @Freemensconnect: Dr Sam Lucy v pleased that we are now talking with young people about mental health. #hmcconf16 0 0 2016 05/10/2016
Tweet 05/10/2016 02:28 PM RT @IrenaBarker: Strong stuff from HMC's Mike Buchanan over charitable status #hmcconf16… 0 0 2016 05/10/2016
Tweet 05/10/2016 02:31 PM RT @Philip_Britton: Prof Peel @HMC_Org #HMCConf16 -first year HE gender maturity gap large-he teaches young women and boys. Important role… 0 0 2016 05/10/2016
Tweet 05/10/2016 02:44 PM Girls encouraged to turn to #Shakespeare’s #heroines for new role models @StylistMagazine #HMCConf16 @Head_WHS 0 0 2016 05/10/2016
Tweet 05/10/2016 02:51 PM RT @KGSheadmaster: 20% of students in clearing for one major uk uni last year were there by choice. A #pqa revolution from within? @HMC_Org… 0 0 2016 05/10/2016
Tweet 05/10/2016 03:18 PM RT @lizziefane: Delighted to be on a panel at #HMCConf16 today, discussing what young professionals are looking for in their lives :) @glob… 0 0 2016 05/10/2016
Tweet 05/10/2016 03:18 PM RT @HCSHead: How can schools prepare students for experience of less contact time at Uni when Alevels required demands opposite from school… 0 0 2016 05/10/2016
Tweet 05/10/2016 03:18 PM RT @SallyAnneHuang: Happy to be with fellow heads at #HMCConf16 on #WorldTeachersDay but thinking of great teaching colleagues at @JAGSscho… 0 0 2016 05/10/2016
Tweet 05/10/2016 03:48 PM See our @Flickr gallery for photos from #HMCConf16 thanks to @GillmanSoame 0 0 2016 05/10/2016
Tweet 05/10/2016 03:49 PM RT @eyefilm: Find out what David Halpern had to say to #HMCConf16 @HMC_Org @HMC_Chair 0 0 2016 05/10/2016
Tweet 05/10/2016 03:50 PM See video highlights from #HMCConf16 on #HMCTV thanks @eyefilm 0 0 2016 05/10/2016
Tweet 05/10/2016 04:18 PM RT @kevinfear: Thank you to all the staff @HMC_Org and to @Ashfordhead for putting on a great Conference - inspirational and uplifting. #H… 0 0 2016 05/10/2016