Tweet 26/05/2016 12:45 PM RT Have you seen @WGS1512 #drones film? Lots of students involved in production #HMCschools… 0 0 2016 26/05/2016
Tweet 26/05/2016 02:43 PM PRESS RELEASE: HMC and @NAHTnews regret announcements by @ofqual on changes to appeals against exam marks and grades 0 0 2016 26/05/2016
Tweet 26/05/2016 03:52 PM Ofqual changes to appeals will make system less clear, consistent and less fair @NAHTnews 0 0 2016 26/05/2016
Tweet 26/05/2016 03:52 PM @seanjcoughlan HMC and @NAHTnews regret announcements by @ofqual on changes to appeals against exam marks and grades 0 0 2016 26/05/2016
Tweet 26/05/2016 03:53 PM @EleanorHarding HMC + @NAHTnews regret announcements by @ofqual on changes to appeals against exam marks and grades 0 0 2016 26/05/2016
Tweet 26/05/2016 03:53 PM @GregHurstTimes HMC + @NAHTnews regret announcements by @ofqual on changes to appeals against exam marks and grades 0 0 2016 26/05/2016
Tweet 26/05/2016 03:53 PM @JaviereTMG HMC and @NAHTnews regret announcements by Ofqual on changes to appeals against exam marks and grades 0 0 2016 26/05/2016
Tweet 26/05/2016 03:54 PM @RichardA HMC and @NAHTnews regret announcements by Ofqual on changes to appeals against exam marks and grades 0 0 2016 26/05/2016
Tweet 26/05/2016 03:54 PM @JosieGurneyRead HMC + @NAHTnews regret announcements by Ofqual on changes to appeals against exam marks and grades 0 0 2016 26/05/2016
Tweet 26/05/2016 03:54 PM @IrenaBarker HMC and @NAHTnews regret announcements by Ofqual on changes to appeals against exam marks and grades 0 0 2016 26/05/2016
Tweet 26/05/2016 03:55 PM @JackHardy9 HMC and @NAHTnews regret announcements by Ofqual on changes to appeals against exam marks and grades 0 0 2016 26/05/2016
Tweet 26/05/2016 03:55 PM @SteffiBroad HMC and @NAHTnews regret announcements by Ofqual on changes to appeals against exam marks and grades 0 0 2016 26/05/2016
Tweet 26/05/2016 04:00 PM @JohndickensSW HMC and @NAHTnews regret announcements by Ofqual on changes to appeals against exam marks and grades 0 0 2016 26/05/2016
Tweet 26/05/2016 04:00 PM RT @NAHTnews: New @ofqual appeals system risks prioritising the system over the individual @HMC_Org… 0 0 2016 26/05/2016
Tweet 26/05/2016 04:12 PM RT Ofqual clamps down on re-marks Peter Hamilton @habsboys + @russellhobby @NAHTnews quoted… 0 0 2016 26/05/2016
Tweet 26/05/2016 07:27 PM New regs will be less transparent, less rigorous and erode confidence further that marks are sufficiently accurate 0 0 2016 26/05/2016
Tweet 26/05/2016 07:28 PM RT @HeadBrom: Ofqual will 'crackdown' on schools with the temerity to ask for the correct grades for their pupils - strange world! https://… 0 0 2016 26/05/2016
Tweet 26/05/2016 07:28 PM RT @HeadBrom: It would be so much more helpful to clamp down on poor marking rather than the appeals process to rectify it...… 0 0 2016 26/05/2016
Tweet 27/05/2016 08:08 AM RT @independenthead: Does @ofqual really have the moral authority to reduce number of re-marks when exam marking is so poor? @HMC_Org https… 0 0 2016 27/05/2016
Tweet 27/05/2016 08:52 AM Academic Policy Chair Peter Hamilton quoted in @Telegraph on @ofqual changes to appeals… 0 0 2016 27/05/2016
Tweet 27/05/2016 09:09 AM HMC International Division meeting at British School Paris today: sharing ideas and best practice #HMCschools… 0 0 2016 27/05/2016
Tweet 27/05/2016 09:09 AM HMC International Division meeting at British School Paris today: sharing ideas and best practice #HMCschools… 0 0 2016 27/05/2016
Tweet 27/05/2016 09:25 AM RT @independenthead: Independent school parents aren't the only ones paying to educate their children @HMC_Org @GSAUK @iapsuk… 0 0 2016 27/05/2016
Tweet 27/05/2016 09:28 AM RT Exam appeals change could make it tougher to challenge results @russellhobby @NAHTnews… 0 0 2016 27/05/2016
Tweet 27/05/2016 09:29 AM Joint HMC @NAHTnews comment: Exam appeals change could make it tougher to challenge results… 0 0 2016 27/05/2016
Tweet 27/05/2016 09:47 AM Seems independent school parents not the only ones paying: a good school nearby adds £200k to house price @thetimes 0 0 2016 27/05/2016
Tweet 27/05/2016 04:14 PM HMC International Divisional Meeting today at the British School of Paris @kieran_earley @Ashfordhead #HMCschools… 0 0 2016 27/05/2016
Tweet 27/05/2016 04:14 PM RT @ISC_schools: Checking school type is no route to social justice, say @HMC_HigherEd and @HilaryJFrench. https://… 0 0 2016 27/05/2016
Tweet 27/05/2016 04:16 PM RT @independenthead: Is this the beginning of the end for universities as we know them? Or a smart recruitment ploy? @HMC_HigherEd https://… 0 0 2016 27/05/2016
Tweet 27/05/2016 04:22 PM Best wishes for the future to all Y13 pupils who complete their time at #HMCschools today - 92% going to University 0 0 2016 27/05/2016
Tweet 27/05/2016 05:10 PM RT @SCHOOLSNE: Exam review changes draw criticism, as new measures published yesterday fall far short of what is required… 0 0 2016 27/05/2016
Tweet 28/05/2016 08:51 AM "The use of school type as a spurious proxy for shallow and thoughtless" @HMC_HigherEd @HilaryJFrench 0 0 2016 28/05/2016
Tweet 28/05/2016 08:54 AM RT @IpswichHead: Once again, school type and socio-economic background assumed as interchangeable. And tailcoat photo.@telegraphnews https:… 0 0 2016 28/05/2016
Tweet 28/05/2016 08:58 AM Why checking school type is no route to social justice @HMC_HigherEd @HilaryJFrench @ISC_schools @tele_education 0 0 2016 28/05/2016
Tweet 28/05/2016 08:59 AM RT @AFosterTeach: @IpswichHead @HMC_Org @TelegraphNews indeed. For example, #COLFES pupils come from all backgrounds, thanks to @LeatherCha… 0 0 2016 28/05/2016