Tweet 12/05/2016 09:59 AM Simon Smith @HaileyburyUK appointed new headmaster at @RydalPenrhos #HMCschools… 0 0 2016 12/05/2016
Tweet 12/05/2016 10:03 AM RT @HMC_HigherEd: At sunny @lborouniversity today for HMC/GSA @HMC_HigherEd @GSAUK meeting. Super welcome and feels a great place 0 0 2016 12/05/2016
Tweet 12/05/2016 12:37 PM RT @DameAllans: We were very lucky to have @andyburnhammp at Dame Allan's this week to speak ahead of our mock #EUReferendum… 0 0 2016 12/05/2016
Tweet 12/05/2016 02:52 PM .@DCol_Head latest blog: 'Education is the best medicine for ‘affluenza’ #HMCschools… 0 0 2016 12/05/2016
Tweet 12/05/2016 02:54 PM RT @HeadFelsted: My thoughts on the importance of reading for pleasure… #felsted452 @HMC_Org @BSAboarding @ISC_schoo… 0 0 2016 12/05/2016
Tweet 12/05/2016 03:00 PM See Chair Elect @Ashfordhead blog 'Recordings are no substitute for live drama' #Theatre2016… 0 0 2016 12/05/2016
Tweet 12/05/2016 04:03 PM RT @MillanSachania: A fascinating visit to @lborouniversity by @HMC_Org @GSAUK : the gym that supports elite Olympics training… 0 0 2016 12/05/2016
Tweet 12/05/2016 04:04 PM RT @JohnDHalliday: A timely reminder: how means tested financial support changes lives and enriches the community. @HSofDundee @HMC_Org htt… 0 0 2016 12/05/2016
Tweet 12/05/2016 04:17 PM RT @byrne_d: The benefits of playing rugby. Beware wrapping pupils up in cotton wool.… 0 0 2016 12/05/2016
Tweet 12/05/2016 06:19 PM . @highgate1565 and @SpursOfficial announce partnership to create new sixth form… #HMCschools… 0 0 2016 12/05/2016
Tweet 12/05/2016 06:22 PM RT @IE_TODAY @SpursOfficial and @highgate1565 to open sixth form #freeschool… #HMCschools… 0 0 2016 12/05/2016
Tweet 12/05/2016 06:29 PM .@highgate1565 to provide staff+ educational expertise for new @SpursOfficial sponsored state sixth form #HMCschools… 0 0 2016 12/05/2016
Tweet 12/05/2016 09:04 PM RT @IpswichHead: Yesterday @HMC_Org cluster group meeting with local Heads. Today Universities Sub-Committee. Both hugely useful and colleg… 0 0 2016 12/05/2016
Tweet 12/05/2016 09:04 PM RT @AFosterTeach: @HMC_Org we used @TougherMinds techniques w/ u15 rugby. Pupils developed transferable resilience skills as a result https… 0 0 2016 12/05/2016
Tweet 13/05/2016 02:02 PM RT @HMC_TT: 5 remaining teaching vacancies - Classics, Geography, Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics. Closing dates next week... https://t.c… 0 0 2016 13/05/2016
Tweet 13/05/2016 02:42 PM RT Great news item on @schoolstogether about @BoltonSchool's Football Festival #HMCschools… 0 0 2016 13/05/2016
Tweet 14/05/2016 12:48 PM Have you considered an independent school? RT We missed the deadline for school applications, what are our options?… 0 0 2016 14/05/2016
Tweet 14/05/2016 12:52 PM IB or A-levels: which is best? @tele_education… @DohaCollege @BSB_Brussels #HMCschools 0 0 2016 14/05/2016
Tweet 14/05/2016 12:52 PM RT @LeoWinkley: Partnerships. Sharing ideas from @YorkISSP at the @TheGSAL conference 2 July. @ISC_schools @HMC_Org @schoolstogether https:… 0 0 2016 14/05/2016
Tweet 14/05/2016 12:52 PM RT @Philip_Britton: Building on success of @BSportsAlliance… 0 0 2016 14/05/2016
Tweet 14/05/2016 12:53 PM RT @DCol_Head: Click here for the latest Outstanding inspection report from @KHDA @DubaiCollege @HMC_Org @COBISorg… 0 0 2016 14/05/2016
Tweet 14/05/2016 12:54 PM Buzzing at @HamptonSchool today! #beekeepingclub #honey #HMCschools… 0 0 2016 14/05/2016
Tweet 14/05/2016 12:54 PM RT @HeadFelsted: Well-being and good mental health as important as academic success… @HMC_Org @HMC_Chairman leading… 0 0 2016 14/05/2016
Tweet 14/05/2016 12:56 PM These podcasts from @cranleighschool politics students are good for all who remain undecided in the EU debate… 0 0 2016 14/05/2016
Tweet 14/05/2016 12:57 PM Honoring our retiring Heads: From the top of @MagdalenCollege tower, beautiful on a May evening. #retiringhmcheads… 0 0 2016 14/05/2016
Tweet 14/05/2016 12:58 PM Honouring our retiring HMC heads - atop @MagdalenCollege tower courtesy of @MCSOxford Master Tim Hands #HMCschools… 0 0 2016 14/05/2016
Tweet 14/05/2016 12:59 PM RT @ISC_schools: The full unedited ISC comment:… The original opinion here:… 0 0 2016 14/05/2016
Tweet 14/05/2016 12:59 PM RT @ISC_schools: A letter to @Independent's @IndyVoices following an opinion on schools and charitable status… https… 0 0 2016 14/05/2016
Tweet 14/05/2016 01:00 PM A programme that originated in #HMCschools is now helping state school pupils @TougherMinds… 0 0 2016 14/05/2016
Tweet 14/05/2016 04:44 PM #HMCschools @NottsHigh will have 148 girls from September - #Yourtimetothrive #NHSCoed is certainly thriving.… 0 0 2016 14/05/2016
Tweet 15/05/2016 07:14 AM RT @AFosterTeach: @kevinfear I know co-ed has been a fantastic success @BradfordGrammar and @ColfesSchool. Character retained *and* enhance… 0 0 2016 15/05/2016
Tweet 15/05/2016 10:06 AM RT @tes 'Wellbeing and good mental health should be seen as equally as important as academic success'… 0 0 2016 15/05/2016
Tweet 16/05/2016 09:47 AM Its @mentalhealth awarness week #MHAW16 - watch @NatashaDevonMBE at our Good #MentalHealth in Schools Conference 0 0 2016 16/05/2016
Tweet 16/05/2016 09:53 AM Good luck to all students (and supportive teachers and parents!) taking public #exams2016 this week #HMCschoools #mondaymotivation 0 0 2016 16/05/2016
Tweet 16/05/2016 09:55 AM RT Just finished #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek @LingfieldND our 2nd year and a crucial part of the calendar #HMCschools… 0 0 2016 16/05/2016