Tweet 01/10/2014 10:13 AM Shami Chakrabarti 'Ethically we have a responsibility to deliver others' human rights' #HMCconf2014 0 0 2014 01/10/2014
Tweet 01/10/2014 10:25 AM Rev NickMercer: Teach children to 'Never give up, no matter how much ignominy is heaped upon you when seeking the truth' #HMCconf2014 0 0 2014 01/10/2014
Tweet 01/10/2014 11:06 AM William Richardson, HMC, John Newton @tauntonschool Peter Hamilton @habsboys 'Exams + curriculum change' #HMCconf2014 0 0 2014 01/10/2014
Tweet 01/10/2014 11:07 AM RT @RPBackhouse: @HMC_Org Our attention turns to more prosaic, but extremely important, topic of public examinations, with Peter Hamiktonm … 0 0 2014 01/10/2014
Tweet 01/10/2014 11:13 AM RT @RPBackhouse: It's possible for a pupil to take a new A level, old A level, pre U, and new AS in 2015-17, says @habsboys @HMC_Org 0 0 2014 01/10/2014
Tweet 01/10/2014 11:27 AM RT @independenthead: Alevel reform debate #HMC2014 "Does education have to be examined to be meaningful?" @HMC_Org 0 0 2014 01/10/2014
Tweet 01/10/2014 11:27 AM RT @ElthamHead: Sir John Scarlett, ex head of MI6 on how to guide our children to live wisely in the cyber age. Answer? "Strong personal va… 0 0 2014 01/10/2014
Tweet 01/10/2014 11:41 AM RT @Ed_Dorrell: Barnaby Lenon: "The 're-coupling' of AS and A-levels could happen, but won't for several years" #HMC2014 0 0 2014 01/10/2014
Tweet 01/10/2014 11:46 AM RT @bernardtrafford: “@Ed_Dorrell: Barnaby Lenon: "re-coupling of AS/A-levels cd happen, not for several years" #HMC2014” Govt chaos: we'll… 0 0 2014 01/10/2014
Tweet 01/10/2014 11:47 AM RT @independenthead: "I don't mind what the Government does with the curriculum, so long as they leave us enough time to educate pupils." P… 0 0 2014 01/10/2014
Tweet 01/10/2014 11:49 AM RT @RPBackhouse: @HMC_Org Suggestion that increase in A level difficulty may lead to (increased) need 4 teaching of additional study skills… 0 0 2014 01/10/2014