Tweet 30/09/2014 11:01 AM RT @tes: David Blunkett tells #HMC2014 there is a great deal of best practice in both public and private education sectors that must be sha… 0 0 2014 30/09/2014
Tweet 30/09/2014 11:03 AM Stephen Dorrell: "The holistic development of the individual must be the prime focus of anyone running a school" #HMC2014 0 0 2014 30/09/2014
Tweet 30/09/2014 11:05 AM Stephen Dorrell recognises the work done by HMC on exams has also served pupils in the maintained sector #HMC2014 0 0 2014 30/09/2014
Tweet 30/09/2014 11:11 AM @DavidBlunkettMP would like to see more funding put forward from govt and ind schools to facilitate more partnership working #HMC2014 0 0 2014 30/09/2014
Tweet 30/09/2014 11:11 AM RT @eye_4_business: Filming Anthony Seldon in conversation with Stephen Dorell and David Blunket for @HMC_Org at #HMC2014… 0 0 2014 30/09/2014
Tweet 30/09/2014 11:13 AM RT @Head_stpaulsSP: Really enjoying collaboration and stimulating discussion at #HMC2014. Lots of ideas to bring back to São Paulo. 0 0 2014 30/09/2014
Tweet 30/09/2014 11:21 AM @DavidBlunkettMP Academy sponsorship is a useful but not necessarily the best form of partnership #HMC2014 0 0 2014 30/09/2014
Tweet 30/09/2014 11:23 AM Stephen Dorrell on forms of partnership...look at what works best for the individual school #HMC2014 0 0 2014 30/09/2014
Tweet 30/09/2014 11:23 AM RT @Rendcomb: @LeoWinkley gets a sensible answer on academy sponsorship after last year's debacle @HMC_Org #findingamutualvoice #HMC2014 0 0 2014 30/09/2014
Tweet 30/09/2014 11:26 AM RT @tes: Stephen Dorrell says the independent sector uses its voice to contribute to policy discussions that benefit the maintained sector … 0 0 2014 30/09/2014
Tweet 30/09/2014 11:36 AM Stephen Dorrell: Participating in debates thats affect both sectors it demonstrates in practice the value of independence #HMC2014 0 0 2014 30/09/2014
Tweet 30/09/2014 11:44 AM Stop bashing independent schooling. In fact, let's just stop talking about educational background altogether #HMC2014 0 0 2014 30/09/2014