Tweet 05/05/2022 11:36 AM In her session ‘Teens and Screens: what do we know?’, Dr Amy Orben @OrbenAmy from @Cambridge_Uni looks into the evidence about adolescent development and social media, exploring what we know - and wh… 0 0 2022 05/05/2022
Tweet 05/05/2022 11:38 AM RT @exeterhead: Dr Amy Orben shares with us the history of negative impacts of technology on a child’s mind, with reference to research fro… 0 0 2022 05/05/2022
Tweet 05/05/2022 11:40 AM RT @jillberry102: Many of the alarmist warnings about technology now actually echo what was said about the advent of the radio in the 1930… 0 0 2022 05/05/2022
Tweet 05/05/2022 11:40 AM RT @exeterhead: Clear to see that almost 80 years ago the radio was seen as problematic in the way we consider technology and young people… 0 0 2022 05/05/2022
Tweet 05/05/2022 11:42 AM RT @jillberry102: "Technology panics are inherently cyclical." @OrbenAmy has a YouTube talk on the subject (2020)… @… 0 0 2022 05/05/2022
Tweet 05/05/2022 11:45 AM RT @jillberry102: Teens & Screens: what do we know? The link between screen time & adolescent mental health is negative, research suggests… 0 0 2022 05/05/2022
Tweet 05/05/2022 11:46 AM RT @WoldinghamHead: Fascinating talks @HMC_Org Spring Conference @britishlibrary on risk taking & also social media use in relation to the… 0 0 2022 05/05/2022
Tweet 05/05/2022 11:47 AM The complexities of the relationship between the use of smartphones with adolescents’ mental health is discussed by @OrbenAmy at #HMCSprConf22 0 0 2022 05/05/2022
Tweet 05/05/2022 11:48 AM RT @jillberry102: Many years of debate about causation/correlation with respect to teens' screen time & their mental wellbeing. @OrbenAmy T… 0 0 2022 05/05/2022
Tweet 05/05/2022 11:59 AM Fascinating insight into gender differences and life satisfaction are explored by @OrbenAmy in young people’s use of social media #HMCSprConf22 0 0 2022 05/05/2022
Tweet 05/05/2022 12:02 PM RT @WoldinghamHead: Are girls more negatively impacted by social media use than boys or does it depend on the phase of adolescence? Fascina… 0 0 2022 05/05/2022
Tweet 05/05/2022 12:08 PM The importance of educating people about the complexities of the use of social media and adolescents’ mental health is key, says @OrbenAmy - and that responses can be very much down to the individual… 0 0 2022 05/05/2022
Tweet 05/05/2022 12:16 PM RT @SallyAnneHuang: Really interested in @OrbenAmy clarifying what we do and do not know in this space and how policy can be an emotional r… 0 0 2022 05/05/2022
Tweet 05/05/2022 12:19 PM Professor Dr Tamsin Ford @Tamsin_J_Ford Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Head of the Department of Psychiatry, University of Cambridge @Cambridge_Uni on stage delivering a session on … 0 0 2022 05/05/2022
Tweet 05/05/2022 12:28 PM RT @jillberry102: Now @Tamsin_J_Ford talking about 'Mental health before & during Covid: facts & fiction' at @HMC_Org spring conference. #… 0 0 2022 05/05/2022
Tweet 05/05/2022 12:28 PM RT @exeterhead: Reassuring data from Dr Tamsin Ford showing children’s physical health is improving, but sadly, mental health has declined…… 0 0 2022 05/05/2022
Tweet 05/05/2022 12:28 PM RT @HeadBrom: Fantastic morning @HMC_Org Spring Conference hearing from distinguished experts in research in Adolescent Mental Health. ht… 0 0 2022 05/05/2022
Tweet 05/05/2022 12:28 PM "There is heated debate about the mental health of children and young people prior and during the Covid-19 pandemic." says Professor Dr Tamsin Ford, @Tamsin_J_Ford Professor of Child and Adolescent P… 0 0 2022 05/05/2022
Tweet 05/05/2022 12:34 PM Professor Dr Tamsin Ford @Tamsin_J_Ford draws on the available evidence to discuss what is known about the prevalence of mental health conditions among children and young people, before and during Co… 0 0 2022 05/05/2022
Tweet 05/05/2022 12:36 PM RT @BSArtsCulture: Fantastic to see the language of the @HMC_Org conference giving currency to our work in school and with the community to… 0 0 2022 05/05/2022
Tweet 05/05/2022 12:36 PM RT @exeterhead: Teasing out what the day on mental health showed during lockdown with Dr Tamsin Ford. Quite fascinating and so much to con… 0 0 2022 05/05/2022
Tweet 05/05/2022 12:54 PM "Whilst young people are at lower risk of severe illness , they have arguably been amongst those most affected & least supported by the Covid-19 societal response" says Professor Dr Tamsin Ford @Tams… 0 0 2022 05/05/2022
Tweet 05/05/2022 12:55 PM RT @jillberry102: "Peer relationships & bullying are probably the greatest risk factors for young people's mental health" suggests @Tamsin_… 0 0 2022 05/05/2022
Tweet 05/05/2022 01:42 PM The @HMC_Org Spring Conference #Charity is @UNICEF. As millions of children are denied education, go hungry & face war, disaster, violence & disease we're sure HMC members will give generously to UNI… 0 0 2022 05/05/2022