Tweet 04/05/2022 04:11 PM RT @HMCPD: I have great colleagues! Rachel Cookson Chair of HMCJ and Principal of @kingsmac Infant and Junior Division leading inaugural… 0 0 2022 04/05/2022
Tweet 05/05/2022 09:30 AM We would like to wish all our delegates a warm welcome to the @britishlibrary for the @HMC_Org Spring Conference 2022 – ‘A return to flourishing’ for a day of engaging presentations & discussions, wh… 0 0 2022 05/05/2022
Tweet 05/05/2022 10:00 AM The @HMC_Org Spring Conference #Charity is @UNICEF. As millions of children are denied education, go hungry & face war, disaster, violence & disease we're sure HMC members will give generously to UNI… 0 0 2022 05/05/2022
Tweet 05/05/2022 10:41 AM Chair of @HMC_Org Richard Backhouse @RPBackhouse delivers his opening address and welcomes delegates to the HMC Spring Conference 2022: ‘A return to flourishing’ @britishlibrary #HMCSprConf22 0 0 2022 05/05/2022
Tweet 05/05/2022 10:46 AM Professor Sarah-Jayne Blakemore @sjblakemore Professor of Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience University of Cambridge @Cambridge_Uni on stage delivering a session on 'The social brain in adolescenc… 0 0 2022 05/05/2022
Tweet 05/05/2022 10:47 AM Today, as we ‘Return to flourishing’, we are thinking about the wellbeing and mental health of our students, says @HMC_Org Chair Richard Backhouse @RPBackhouse #HMCSprConf 0 0 2022 05/05/2022
Tweet 05/05/2022 10:52 AM "Adolescence, defined as the period of life between 10 and 24 years, is characterised by heightened social sensitivity, increased importance of peer interactions and hypersensitivity to social exclus… 0 0 2022 05/05/2022
Tweet 05/05/2022 10:54 AM RT @jillberry102: Listening to @sjblakemore talking about research into the adolescent brain. @HMC_Org spring conference. "Diary entry for… 0 0 2022 05/05/2022
Tweet 05/05/2022 10:54 AM RT @jillberry102: " '... from someone who's apparently got a crush on me. It's Nicholas I think. UGH. (Man landed on moon).' " There's noth… 0 0 2022 05/05/2022
Tweet 05/05/2022 10:54 AM RT @exeterhead: @sjblakemore shares stories of adolescence and social mental health @HMC_Org spring conference. Here’s a snippet of ho… 0 0 2022 05/05/2022
Tweet 05/05/2022 10:58 AM "Research shows that the social brain, undergoes substantial development during adolescence. As such, adolescence is a sensitive period of development underpinned by heightened neuroplasticity, which… 0 0 2022 05/05/2022
Tweet 05/05/2022 10:59 AM RT @HeadBrom: An absolute privilege to be back @britishlibrary hearing from Professor Sarah-Jayne Blakemore a foremost expert on the adol… 0 0 2022 05/05/2022
Tweet 05/05/2022 11:14 AM Why does grey matter decrease and white matter increase during adolescence? @sjblakemore discusses at #HMCSprConf22 0 0 2022 05/05/2022
Tweet 05/05/2022 11:14 AM RT @rgsheadmaster: At the Spring Conference @HMC_Org at the British Library Listening to a fascinating explanation of the mystery of the… 0 0 2022 05/05/2022
Tweet 05/05/2022 11:16 AM RT @jillberry102: "Leading cause of mortality in people ages 10-24 years is accidents, mostly caused by risk taking (Viner et al, 2011)" ci… 0 0 2022 05/05/2022
Tweet 05/05/2022 11:21 AM “Young adolescent’s risk perception is influenced more by other teenagers than adults” according to research says Prof @sjblakemore at #HMCSprConf22 0 0 2022 05/05/2022
Tweet 05/05/2022 11:22 AM RT @jillberry102: Research shows adolescents are MUCH more likely to take risks when they are in the company of their peers - eg when they… 0 0 2022 05/05/2022
Tweet 05/05/2022 11:22 AM RT @jillberry102: Young adolescents (ages 12-14) are PARTICULARLY influenced by the opinions of their peers. The suggestion is that this is… 0 0 2022 05/05/2022
Tweet 05/05/2022 11:23 AM "Adolescence is typified by behaviours that can seem irrational e.g. excessive risk-taking & impulsivity. These behaviours can be seen as adaptive if a key developmental goal is to mature into an adu… 0 0 2022 05/05/2022
Tweet 05/05/2022 11:26 AM RT @SallyAnneHuang: Feel very fortunate to be hearing from @sjblakemore about the adolescent brain and what may or may not seem like risk t… 0 0 2022 05/05/2022
Tweet 05/05/2022 11:26 AM RT @jillberry102: Adolescents: "Avoiding social risk might matter more than avoiding other types of risks." eg when offered a cigarette & a… 0 0 2022 05/05/2022
Tweet 05/05/2022 11:29 AM RT @jillberry102: If anti-bullying campaigns are led by students/peers (especially high profile ones), they have real power to influence ea… 0 0 2022 05/05/2022
Tweet 05/05/2022 11:33 AM RT @rgsheadmaster: Cambridge Uni research @HMC_Org Spring Conference identifies adolescents hyper sensitivity to social exclusion and are h… 0 0 2022 05/05/2022
Tweet 05/05/2022 11:34 AM RT @exeterhead: Brilliant talk from @sjblakemore about social influence, risk taking and how important it is for our pupils to develop and… 0 0 2022 05/05/2022