Tweet 02/10/2017 05:05 PM "A third of all pupils at independent schools are now on reduced fees" @HMC_Chair #HMCConf17 0 0 2017 02/10/2017
Tweet 02/10/2017 05:10 PM "Today I am asking for a cessation of hostilities against independent schools" @HMC_Chair #HMCConf17 0 0 2017 02/10/2017
Tweet 02/10/2017 06:58 PM RT @BridgeU: Great first day at #HMCConf17 in Belfast - come and visit us on Stand 25! @HMC_Org 0 0 2017 02/10/2017
Tweet 02/10/2017 07:00 PM Anthony Millard Consulting - recruitment and consultancy for top schools. And HMC wine receptions #AMC #HMCConf17 0 0 2017 02/10/2017
Tweet 02/10/2017 10:00 PM An exciting, engaging and thought provoking first day at #HMCConf17 0 0 2017 02/10/2017
Tweet 03/10/2017 06:30 AM We're looking forward to Day 2 of the @HMC_Org 2017 Autumn Conference, are you? #HMCConf17 0 0 2017 03/10/2017
Tweet 03/10/2017 07:00 AM We're excited to listen to Dr Mark Fenton @KESChiefMaster later this morning on what works in learning in teaching #HMCConf17 0 0 2017 03/10/2017
Tweet 03/10/2017 07:15 AM Later this morning, Alison Havey will be delivering a workshop on handling social media in schools #HMCConf17 0 0 2017 03/10/2017
Tweet 03/10/2017 07:30 AM Tricia Kelleher @StephenPerse is delivering a workshop on digital infrastructure in schools this morning #HMCConf17 0 0 2017 03/10/2017
Tweet 03/10/2017 07:45 AM Excited for @nicolamorgan workshop on the effects of digital & social media on teen wellbeing and performance this morning #HMCConf17 0 0 2017 03/10/2017
Tweet 03/10/2017 07:50 AM Excited for Richard Petty's workshop later this morning on supporting young entrepreneurs in a rapidly changing world #HMCConf17 0 0 2017 03/10/2017
Tweet 03/10/2017 07:55 AM Looking forward to @nicolamorgan workshop session later this morning on how adolescent brains and pressures affect performance #HMCConf17 0 0 2017 03/10/2017
Tweet 03/10/2017 08:30 AM We are beginning Day 2 of #HMCConf17 with @barbaraoakley on learning how to learn in the neuro-digital age 0 0 2017 03/10/2017
Tweet 03/10/2017 08:51 AM RT @HeadBrom: Keen to hear more about MOOCs this morning #HMCconf17 from Prof Oakley who has 2 million students enrolled in her Engineering… 0 0 2017 03/10/2017
Tweet 03/10/2017 08:52 AM Barb Oakley of @oaklandu delivering her session on learning how to learn in the neuro-digital age #HMCConf17 0 0 2017 03/10/2017
Tweet 03/10/2017 09:02 AM RT @independenthead: @barbaraoakley lessons in learning. An extraordinary life journey - the importance of metaphor in rewiring the brain.… 0 0 2017 03/10/2017
Tweet 03/10/2017 09:02 AM RT @Head_stpaulsSP: Fascinating discussion, via the end of the Earth, to hear about how we learn and how we can change this. @HMC_Org http… 0 0 2017 03/10/2017
Tweet 03/10/2017 09:08 AM RT @Head_stpaulsSP: Which way are you thinking? Tight and structured, with established patterns, or free and flowing? @HMC_Org https://t.… 0 0 2017 03/10/2017
Tweet 03/10/2017 09:13 AM RT @Head_stpaulsSP: Procrastination is the no 1 issue in education. So, let's stop procrastinating, get in with it. Great advice from Pro… 0 0 2017 03/10/2017
Tweet 03/10/2017 09:15 AM RT @SISPitches: Our team is ready for you at today's @HMC_Org conference at the Europa Hotel, Belfast. Come and see Joe on Stand 10 in the… 0 0 2017 03/10/2017
Tweet 03/10/2017 09:15 AM RT @independenthead: @Barbaraoakley Procrastination No1 problem with learning - Pomodoro technique- no distractions for 25 mins focus rewar… 0 0 2017 03/10/2017
Tweet 03/10/2017 09:21 AM RT @rapprojectuk: About to deliver a Sex, Likes & Social Media workshop to the HMC at the Europa Hotel in Belfast in Ambassador Rm 1 0945 @… 0 0 2017 03/10/2017
Tweet 03/10/2017 09:22 AM RT @ITSI_UK: @barbaraoakley Says No 1 problem in education is procrastination - use Pomodoro technique to overcome @HMC_Org #HMCconf17 0 0 2017 03/10/2017
Tweet 03/10/2017 09:22 AM RT @DownsideHM: Answer to the challenge of Procrastination? The Pomodoro Technique ... says Prof Barb Oakley #HMCconf17 @HMC_Org @downsides… 0 0 2017 03/10/2017
Tweet 03/10/2017 09:23 AM RT @BSAKheadmaster: Very interesting to hear Barb Oakley re learning. Enlightening and useful for all of us @HMC_Org conference https://t.c… 0 0 2017 03/10/2017
Tweet 03/10/2017 09:25 AM RT @HeadBrom: Loving this lecture #HMCconf17 @barbaraoakley Sleep and exercise really do help learning - new synapses on dendrites after bo… 0 0 2017 03/10/2017
Tweet 03/10/2017 09:26 AM RT @BSAKheadmaster: Barb Oakley discusses importance of exercise on learning explaining it enables neurones to survive, thrive & grow @HMC_… 0 0 2017 03/10/2017
Tweet 03/10/2017 09:28 AM RT @HeadBrom: 'Practice makes permanent' ; 'Procrastination is a habit.' Wise words on teaching and learning #HMCconf17 0 0 2017 03/10/2017
Tweet 03/10/2017 09:30 AM RT @independenthead: @Barbaraoakley Importance of Chunking in developing Working Memory #HMCconf17 @HMC_Org 0 0 2017 03/10/2017
Tweet 03/10/2017 09:31 AM RT @Head_stpaulsSP: Having a library of chunks is the key to expertise... helping pupils to develop skills and knowledge. Fascinating disc… 0 0 2017 03/10/2017
Tweet 03/10/2017 09:33 AM RT @sh_hinchliffe: Neural development & learning: the importance of sleep & exercise #HMCconf17… 0 0 2017 03/10/2017
Tweet 03/10/2017 09:33 AM RT @ITSI_UK: The importance of chunking in working memory @barbaraoakley for learning #HMCconf17 @HMC_Org 0 0 2017 03/10/2017
Tweet 03/10/2017 09:37 AM RT @RPBackhouse: #HMCConf17 Oakley: key function of testing to check for ‘illusions of competence’ - also acts as practice of thought circu… 0 0 2017 03/10/2017
Tweet 03/10/2017 09:38 AM RT @independenthead: @barbaraoakley keys to memory learning - the importance of low stakes testing - practise recall - don't highlight #HMC… 0 0 2017 03/10/2017
Tweet 03/10/2017 09:39 AM RT @ITSI_UK: Encourage use of flashcards @barbaraoakley to support technique of recall. How can @ITSI_UK help? Speak to us @HMC_Org #HMCcon… 0 0 2017 03/10/2017
Tweet 03/10/2017 09:45 AM RT @independenthead: @barbaraoakley link to @coursera MOOC… #HMCConf17 @HMC_Org 0 0 2017 03/10/2017
Tweet 03/10/2017 09:45 AM RT @HeadPockSchool: Lessons for us all from Prof @barbaraoakley in an excellent lecture on learning how to learn @HMC_Org conference. 0 0 2017 03/10/2017
Tweet 03/10/2017 09:46 AM RT @ITSI_UK: Question to @barbaraoakley about impact of screen time. See what @DTWillingham has to say #HMCconf17 @… 0 0 2017 03/10/2017
Tweet 03/10/2017 09:46 AM Now for a change in format…a range of expert led workshops for @HMC_Org members to choose from at #HMCConf17 0 0 2017 03/10/2017
Tweet 03/10/2017 09:52 AM RT @Philip_Britton: A real pleasure to introduce the talk by @barbaraoakley this morning - important ideas about learning for pupils, teach… 0 0 2017 03/10/2017
Tweet 03/10/2017 09:58 AM RT @Philip_Britton: Good to have a talk on learning @HMC_Org today… 0 0 2017 03/10/2017
Tweet 03/10/2017 10:14 AM RT @independenthead: @KESChiefMaster Do you as a Headteacher consider yourself as the (or a) "Leader of Teaching and Learning"? #HMCConf17… 0 0 2017 03/10/2017
Tweet 03/10/2017 10:21 AM RT @IE_Today: Great to see @Perryuniform at #HMCConf17 with the new @ESUS_Mayfair blazer #schooluniform #hmc 0 0 2017 03/10/2017
Tweet 03/10/2017 10:34 AM RT @HMCPD: See for blogs and info relating to @nicolamorgan session at @HMC_Org session #HMCConf17 0 0 2017 03/10/2017
Tweet 03/10/2017 10:35 AM RT @synergia_coach: Looking forward to what day 2 has in store @HMC_Org Come say hello at stand 23 :D #HMCConf17 #coach #mentor #lead #mana… 0 0 2017 03/10/2017
Tweet 03/10/2017 10:35 AM RT @IE_Today: High quality performance wear for musicians at #independentschools from @black_dresscode #HMCConf17 0 0 2017 03/10/2017
Tweet 03/10/2017 10:35 AM RT @Wildfire_C: The @IE_Today team are at #HMCconf17 today in Belfast to hear from headteachers & leaders in the independent school sector.… 0 0 2017 03/10/2017
Tweet 03/10/2017 10:38 AM RT @DCol_Head: @DCol_Head #headfresher @ucl enrolling for MBA Educational Leadership @IOE_London en route to #HMCconf17 @HMC_Org https://t.… 0 0 2017 03/10/2017