Tweet 25/08/2017 01:39 PM RT @GodolphinSchool: Congratulations to all @GodolphinSchool pupils on exceptional 2017 GCSE results. 83% A* - B. @HMC_Org #inspiringgirls… 0 0 2017 25/08/2017
Tweet 26/08/2017 10:00 AM Chair of @HMC_Org Wellbeing Group @Samprice11 @benendenschool discusses #GCSE reform and its impact on young people 0 0 2017 26/08/2017
Tweet 26/08/2017 10:14 AM 47.9% A-A* A-level grades @ISC_schools - double the national average 0 0 2017 26/08/2017
Tweet 26/08/2017 10:24 AM RT @IE_Today: The results are in! Independent schools reveal pupils' success on #GCSEResultsDay2017:… @HMC_Org @GSAU… 0 0 2017 26/08/2017
Tweet 26/08/2017 10:31 AM Great A Level results for @ISC_schools 18.3% A*s compared with 8.3% nationally. Well done to all! #alevelresults 0 0 2017 26/08/2017
Tweet 26/08/2017 10:57 AM RT @ISC_schools: Close to one fifth of A-level entries at ISC schools scored the top A* grade in 2017… 0 0 2017 26/08/2017
Tweet 26/08/2017 06:51 PM RT @School_HouseM: Brilliant film by @HMC_Org and @DigitalSisters starring @ReigateGrammar. Time to reassess our digital habits... https://… 0 0 2017 26/08/2017
Tweet 29/08/2017 12:29 PM RT @HMC_TT: Great to be with @jillberry102 working with trainee teachers in @HMC_Org schools #hmcpd 0 0 2017 29/08/2017
Tweet 29/08/2017 12:47 PM A focus on @ReigateGrammar in @School_HouseM about its role in our film about digital habits @DigitalSisters 0 0 2017 29/08/2017
Tweet 30/08/2017 09:20 AM We must protect teachers from conflicts of interest in setting exams and ensure good practice 0 0 2017 30/08/2017
Tweet 30/08/2017 09:47 AM We must protect teachers from conflicts of interest in setting exams and ensure good practice 0 0 2017 30/08/2017
Tweet 31/08/2017 10:11 AM @headsedbergh @HMC_Chair @hmc Yes, professional integrity & trust come first. Teachers, schools, colleges & exam boards are partners in making this work. @headsedbergh 0 0 2017 31/08/2017
Tweet 31/08/2017 10:13 AM Debate needed about ethical barriers but teachers must still set papers argues @barnabylenon @Telegraph 0 0 2017 31/08/2017
Tweet 31/08/2017 10:50 AM Best teachers should not withdraw from important national service for creaking exam system - Dr Joe Spence @thetimes 0 0 2017 31/08/2017
Tweet 31/08/2017 07:25 PM We welcome the @ofqual review of exam safeguards as teachers deserve an open and transparent system 0 0 2017 31/08/2017
Tweet 01/09/2017 08:54 AM RT @HMC_Org: We welcome the @ofqual review of exam safeguards as teachers deserve an open and transparent system 0 0 2017 01/09/2017
Tweet 01/09/2017 10:07 AM 'Pupils, parents and schools deserve an exam system which is open and transparent' Chris King, HMC Chair @guardian 0 0 2017 01/09/2017
Tweet 02/09/2017 07:23 AM Excellent GCSE results @ISC_schools as nearly two thirds of entries awarded A/7 or higher 0 0 2017 02/09/2017
Tweet 04/09/2017 02:30 PM Independent schools give more to society than they take out @ThirdSector 0 0 2017 04/09/2017
Tweet 05/09/2017 04:54 PM RT @Kelvinside1878: @KA_Rector featured in the latest @HMC_Org Insight Magazine discussing the rewards and challenges of leading a school.… 0 0 2017 05/09/2017
Tweet 05/09/2017 05:08 PM RT @BrightonCollege: We're looking forward to hearing @DigitalSisters speak at our Parents' Pastoral Seminar tomorrow at 7pm. @HMC_Org http… 0 0 2017 05/09/2017
Tweet 05/09/2017 06:00 PM Issue 8 of HMC’s Insight Magazine is available to read and download now! #insight #HMC @HMCPD @HMC_TT 0 0 2017 05/09/2017
Tweet 06/09/2017 03:38 PM RT @DavidMiller_UK: #Leadership : the rewards and the challenges @KA_Rector with @SueWoodroofe @sh_hinchliffe and @HeadDurham in latest @HM… 0 0 2017 06/09/2017
Tweet 06/09/2017 03:38 PM RT @KentCollegePemb: KC #SixthForm girl wins bronze @ #WorldJuniorChampionship representing @britishswimming… @HMC_O… 0 0 2017 06/09/2017
Tweet 07/09/2017 08:57 AM RT @RatcliffeColl: Our boarders seem to be settling in well! #iloveboarding @HMC_Org @CathComOrg @BSAboarding @ISC_schools… 0 0 2017 07/09/2017
Tweet 07/09/2017 04:43 PM RT @solsch1560: Headmaster's Blog: Concerns on social media, FOMO & the under 13s… 0 0 2017 07/09/2017
Tweet 07/09/2017 05:45 PM A few rotten apples shouldn't undermine the vital contribution made by teachers 0 0 2017 07/09/2017
Tweet 09/09/2017 10:35 AM Congratulations @highgate1565 and other HMC schools involved as London Academy of Excellence Tottenham opens. 0 0 2017 09/09/2017
Tweet 10/09/2017 11:12 AM HMC schools are doing ground breaking work on healthy use of digital devices @MailOnline 0 0 2017 10/09/2017
Tweet 11/09/2017 11:39 AM Watch out for head teachers on AI at the HMC Conference 2-4 Oct 0 0 2017 11/09/2017
Tweet 11/09/2017 02:22 PM Scrapping rates relief for independent schools in Scotland will harm state schools 0 0 2017 11/09/2017
Tweet 12/09/2017 12:45 PM We are delighted to announce Chris King as HMC Chairman for 2017/18 @HMC_Chair 0 0 2017 12/09/2017
Tweet 17/09/2017 10:50 AM Congratulations to pupils at London Academy of Excellence, which was set up in partnership with HMC schools 0 0 2017 17/09/2017
Tweet 17/09/2017 11:02 AM Julia Harrington will chair HMC Annual Conference innovation panel next month. Ideas alive and well in our schools 0 0 2017 17/09/2017
Tweet 18/09/2017 09:58 AM Great myth-busting from The Times. Some HMC schools have more taxi drivers than hedge fund managers. 0 0 2017 18/09/2017
Tweet 18/09/2017 05:20 PM Julia Harrington will chair HMC Annual Conference innovation panel next month. Ideas alive and well in our schools. 0 0 2017 18/09/2017
Tweet 20/09/2017 08:34 AM RT @independenthead: Online tuition catches on in China - Catch my talk disruptive technologies in global education #HMCconf17 @HMC_Org ht… 0 0 2017 20/09/2017
Tweet 22/09/2017 02:34 PM RT @HMCPD: Book now for the @HMC_Org @GSAUK University Admissions Conference on 9 November. Bookings via #hmcpd 0 0 2017 22/09/2017
Tweet 22/09/2017 02:34 PM RT @HMCPD: @HMC_Org Conference for Librarians, 23 November: booking now open at #hmcpd 0 0 2017 22/09/2017
Tweet 25/09/2017 03:52 PM Just a week to go until we welcome members to the 2017 HMC Annual Conference @europahotel #Belfast #HMCConf17 0 0 2017 25/09/2017
Tweet 27/09/2017 11:00 AM Just 5 days to go until the start of the HMC Annual Conference 2017. Looking forward to welcoming all of our members in #Belfast #HMCConf17 0 0 2017 27/09/2017
Tweet 27/09/2017 01:35 PM RT @ChartwellsInd: Not to be missed, the exciting culinary collaboration @HMC_Org between @BigChefAndrew @yellowdoorchef #celebratethediffe… 0 0 2017 27/09/2017
Tweet 28/09/2017 04:00 PM We've hit 10,000 #Twitter followers! We'd like to thank you all for your continued support of HMC! @HMC_Org #10k #HMC10k 0 0 2017 28/09/2017
Tweet 29/09/2017 11:05 AM Just 3 days to go until we get the HMC Autumn Conference 2017 underway @europahotel #Belfast #HMCConf17 @HMC_Org members, are you ready? 0 0 2017 29/09/2017
Tweet 30/09/2017 10:16 AM RT @independenthead: Will #VR be the 'disruptive innovation' that transforms education? Join the #FutureSchool debate at the @HMC_Org confe… 0 0 2017 30/09/2017
Tweet 01/10/2017 10:14 AM Thoughtful piece by James Priory about transgender published, looking forward to hearing him @ Conference tomorrow 0 0 2017 01/10/2017
Tweet 01/10/2017 02:01 PM The @HMC_Org team has arrived in #Belfast and we’re excited to begin the conference tomorrow! #HMCConf17 0 0 2017 01/10/2017
Tweet 01/10/2017 03:19 PM RT @StephenPerse: @HMC_Org A prequel to my workshop on digital learning - education & the future #changedmindset… 0 0 2017 01/10/2017