Tweet 19/04/2017 10:17 AM RT @schoolstogether: .@OakhamSch takes part in conservation work such as gardening & landscaping at Launde Abbey #NationalGardeningWeek ht… 0 0 2017 19/04/2017
Tweet 19/04/2017 10:17 AM RT @schoolstogether: The Arnold Foundation for @RugbySchool1567 is our featured case study on Schools Together:… htt… 0 0 2017 19/04/2017
Tweet 19/04/2017 10:17 AM RT @schoolstogether: "The @YorkISSP provision enriches our students in a way we cannot afford" - @johntomsett writes fab piece for @tes: h… 0 0 2017 19/04/2017
Tweet 19/04/2017 10:17 AM RT @schoolstogether: We thoroughly enjoyed watching The Pilgrim of Love this week - a fantastic drama partnership between @KCSPartnerships… 0 0 2017 19/04/2017
Tweet 19/04/2017 11:37 AM Please 'Follow' our Company page on @LinkedIn for the latest news, insights, and opportunities from @HMC_Org 0 0 2017 19/04/2017
Tweet 20/04/2017 10:05 AM Looking forward to hearing from @RajEcon @noushinrb @jeanettehenni plus others at our Spring Conference #HMCConf17 0 0 2017 20/04/2017
Tweet 20/04/2017 12:35 PM Looking forward to sessions from @neelamaparmar1 @DigitalSisters @RydeHeadmaster + more at our Spring #HMCConf17 0 0 2017 20/04/2017
Tweet 20/04/2017 09:59 PM England cricketer @jbairstow21 at his "magnificent" old school @stpetersyork in today's @MailOnline #HMCschools… 0 0 2017 20/04/2017
Tweet 21/04/2017 07:45 AM RT @AFosterTeach: Full house @ReedsSchool for tonight's @TougherMinds presentation to 6th Form parents. Brilliant support for the students… 0 0 2017 21/04/2017
Tweet 21/04/2017 11:58 AM We are looking forward to welcoming HMC Members and state school partners to our Spring Conference #HMCConf17 0 0 2017 21/04/2017
Tweet 21/04/2017 10:08 PM Wise words: @SallyAnneHuang Why I don't want to see private schools abolished @guardian @JAGSschool… 0 0 2017 21/04/2017
Tweet 22/04/2017 08:56 AM RT @DMarkLauder: On cliff walk at MIST Conference 2017 in Bude was happy to be reminded of north east and @HMC_Org NE Division! https://t.c… 0 0 2017 22/04/2017
Tweet 22/04/2017 08:56 AM RT @GSAUK: Well said. @ISC_schools @HMC_Org… 0 0 2017 22/04/2017
Tweet 22/04/2017 08:57 AM RT @HMC_Org: Please 'Follow' our Company page on @LinkedIn for the latest news, insights, and opportunities from @HMC_Org… 0 0 2017 22/04/2017
Tweet 22/04/2017 08:57 AM RT @HMC_Org: Looking forward to hearing @PTAUK @GoodSchoolsUK @juliedrummond and others at our 2017 Spring Conference… 0 0 2017 22/04/2017
Tweet 22/04/2017 03:43 PM A-level language grades skewed by results of native speakers @Ofqual discovers William Richardson quoted @guardian… 0 0 2017 22/04/2017
Tweet 22/04/2017 03:58 PM RT @HMC_Org: Looking forward to hearing from @RajEcon @noushinrb @jeanettehenni plus others at our Spring Conference… 0 0 2017 22/04/2017
Tweet 22/04/2017 04:05 PM William Richardson on Ofqual study showing A-level language grades skewed by results of native speakers @GuardianEdu 0 0 2017 22/04/2017
Tweet 22/04/2017 04:23 PM RT @alunchethams: Welcome young musicians from #GreaterManchester to share the joy of @StollerHall @ISC_schools @HMC_Org #partnership https… 0 0 2017 22/04/2017
Tweet 22/04/2017 04:27 PM RT @WellingtonHead: An equally thought-provoking piece on why there must be on-going dialogue about the positive role of private education.… 0 0 2017 22/04/2017
Tweet 23/04/2017 08:30 AM New! coverage of HMC/@DigitalSisters poll on digital behaviours amongst parents and pupils in @thesundaytimes… 0 0 2017 23/04/2017
Tweet 23/04/2017 08:30 AM New! HMC @DigitalSisters poll into the impact on #families of the use of #digital devices #HMCConf17 #TECHCONTROL 0 0 2017 23/04/2017
Tweet 23/04/2017 08:44 AM Our new digital addiction video/classroom resources: Digital generation to be taught ‘netiquette’@DigitalSisters… 0 0 2017 23/04/2017
Tweet 23/04/2017 08:46 AM See our new ground-breaking digital addiction video to form part of new classroom resources #TECHCONTROL #HMCConf17 0 0 2017 23/04/2017
Tweet 23/04/2017 09:03 AM Coverage of our digital addiction poll @MailOnline @DigitalSisters Teens blast adults for using phones too much 0 0 2017 23/04/2017
Tweet 23/04/2017 09:21 AM RT @rgsheadmaster: Let's help teens (& adults) balance tech life & real life, avoiding digital addiction - watch great video full of @Reiga… 0 0 2017 23/04/2017
Tweet 23/04/2017 10:08 AM RT @Ashfordhead: Worth reading this by my colleague @neelamaparmar1 for common sense advice.… …… 0 0 2017 23/04/2017
Tweet 23/04/2017 11:26 AM Our new digital addiction video + classroom resources will be shared with state school partners #HMCConf17… 0 0 2017 23/04/2017
Tweet 23/04/2017 11:39 AM RT @ReigateGrammar: Congrats to all the RGS pupils who helped make this important @HMC_Org/@digitalsisters video on digital addiction: http… 0 0 2017 23/04/2017
Tweet 23/04/2017 11:40 AM @ReigateGrammar @DigitalSisters Huge thanks and well done to @ReigateGrammar pupils #HMCschools 0 0 2017 23/04/2017
Tweet 23/04/2017 12:35 PM RT @DigitalSisters: DAUK and @HMC_Org create 'ground-breaking' video in #TechControl campaign - empowering schools and families https://t.c… 0 0 2017 23/04/2017
Tweet 23/04/2017 01:36 PM More coverage of our parent and pupil digital behaviours poll with @DigitalSisters @bbceducation #HMCConf17… 0 0 2017 23/04/2017
Tweet 23/04/2017 02:10 PM . @Independent features our new digital behaviours poll findings ahead of this week's #HMCConf17 @DigitalSisters 0 0 2017 23/04/2017
Tweet 23/04/2017 02:16 PM RT @tes: 'Teachers do need to be the heroes campaigning for compulsory #MentalHealth education,' says @bernardtrafford… 0 0 2017 23/04/2017
Tweet 23/04/2017 07:01 PM See @thesundaytimes for @DigitalSisters work in schools to teach 'netiquette' and responsible use of digital devices… 0 0 2017 23/04/2017
Tweet 23/04/2017 07:02 PM ICYMI: coverage of our parent/pupil digital behaviours poll in @thesundaytimes ahead of #HMCConf17 @DigitalSisters… 0 0 2017 23/04/2017
Tweet 23/04/2017 07:13 PM RT @rgsheadmaster: Excellent video featuring @ReigateGrammar students promoting balance for happy, healthy, high achieving teens - avoidin… 0 0 2017 23/04/2017
Tweet 23/04/2017 07:13 PM RT @HeadDurham: Great video from Tech Control and @HMC_Org on the perils of mobile phone use.Takes willpower but habit can be broken https:… 0 0 2017 23/04/2017
Tweet 24/04/2017 07:56 AM RT @SianGriffiths6: More than a third of children have asked their parents to put their phones away says poll @hmc_org @thesundaytimes http… 0 0 2017 24/04/2017
Tweet 24/04/2017 08:20 AM Live Now! Digital Parenting author @neelamaparmar1 @AshfordSchool on @VanessaOnAir @BBCRadioLondon #HMCConf17 0 0 2017 24/04/2017
Tweet 24/04/2017 08:23 AM RT @TheSleepCharity: Great work from @HMC_Org & @DigitalSisters raising issue of tech use & sleep. Vitally important work and V much in lin… 0 0 2017 24/04/2017
Tweet 24/04/2017 08:30 AM RT @bernardtrafford: Great work from @HMC_Org 's Wellbeing Working Group: proud to be involved with its work! See also my latest Tes blog h… 0 0 2017 24/04/2017
Tweet 24/04/2017 08:43 AM RT @Ashfordhead: Parents are seeking help with these issues & hence the need for practical advice from @HMC_Org & @DigitalSisters @Vanessa… 0 0 2017 24/04/2017
Tweet 24/04/2017 09:34 AM RT @Ashfordhead: @bbcwm Sensible parenting advice from my colleague @neelamaparmar1 Have a look at @HMC_Org @Digita… 0 0 2017 24/04/2017
Tweet 24/04/2017 10:02 AM Just two day to go until the 2017 HMC Spring Conference #HMCConf17 view the programme here 0 0 2017 24/04/2017
Tweet 24/04/2017 10:09 AM Further coverage in today's @MailOnline of our digital poll: 1/3 of children tell parents to stop looking at phone 0 0 2017 24/04/2017
Tweet 24/04/2017 10:09 AM RT @DigitalSisters: BBC News - Warning over fake celebrity accounts targeting children… 0 0 2017 24/04/2017
Tweet 24/04/2017 10:11 AM Great to see so many #HMCschools feature in @ISC_schools 'Celebrating Partnerships' booklet… 0 0 2017 24/04/2017