Tweet 09/03/2017 06:26 PM Mobile phones in bedroom keep you awake at night even when switched off @MailOnline refs HMC @DigitalSisters survey… 0 0 2017 09/03/2017
Tweet 10/03/2017 08:50 AM How schools can tackle the empathy deficit among #GenerationMe by Andrew Halls @KCSWimbledon in @thesundaytimes… 0 0 2017 10/03/2017
Tweet 10/03/2017 08:51 AM RT @HMC_Org: Follow us on LinkedIn for the latest news, insights, and opportunities from @HMC_Org… 0 0 2017 10/03/2017
Tweet 10/03/2017 09:36 AM . @RealGeoffBarton We believe govt proposals that independent schools should sponsor +run state schools is misguided 0 0 2017 10/03/2017
Tweet 10/03/2017 10:16 AM Congrats @LingfieldND EXCELLENT in all areas. The quality of the pupils' academic and other achievements is excellent' #ISI 2017 #HMCschools… 0 0 2017 10/03/2017
Tweet 10/03/2017 01:23 PM RT @HMC_Org: "Team sports give girls confidence in their careers" Lady Barbara Judge @The_IoD @MailOnline #IWD2017 0 0 2017 10/03/2017
Tweet 10/03/2017 04:26 PM . @RealGeoffBarton We believe govt proposal that independent schools should sponsor +run state schools is misguided… 0 0 2017 10/03/2017
Tweet 10/03/2017 04:27 PM RT @HMC_Org: Mobile phones in bedroom keep you awake at night even when switched off @MailOnline refs HMC @DigitalS… 0 0 2017 10/03/2017
Tweet 10/03/2017 04:27 PM RT @HMC_Org: 'What is the purpose of education?' asks HMC Head Dr John Hind @DameAllans #NC… 0 0 2017 10/03/2017
Tweet 10/03/2017 04:27 PM RT @HMC_Org: "We understand that choice is the key to excellence in education" Chancellor's spring budget comments… 0 0 2017 10/03/2017
Tweet 10/03/2017 04:27 PM There are many different ways parents pay for education! RT Houses close to top state schools cost up to 60% more …… 0 0 2017 10/03/2017
Tweet 10/03/2017 04:28 PM RT @HeadFelsted: A very good description of the partnership work that we are engaging in @FelstedSchool… 0 0 2017 10/03/2017
Tweet 12/03/2017 08:40 AM Threats forcing us to run state schools are misguided + patronising write @HMC_Chair + @russellhobby in @MailOnline 0 0 2017 12/03/2017
Tweet 12/03/2017 09:19 AM A great example of an existing partnership between 10 state and independent schools…… 0 0 2017 12/03/2017
Tweet 12/03/2017 09:24 AM Comment @MailOnline We will not be bullied: threats forcing us to run state schools are 'misguided and patronising' 0 0 2017 12/03/2017
Tweet 12/03/2017 11:06 AM @HeadDurham @DavidBrownNET absolutely. Equal gains and based on mutual appetite, understanding, respect and cooperation 0 0 2017 12/03/2017
Tweet 12/03/2017 12:08 PM @RealGeoffBarton see joint @HMC_Chair comment piece with @RussellHobby @NAHTnews in today's @MailOnline 0 0 2017 12/03/2017
Tweet 12/03/2017 08:57 PM Great to see @BedfordSchool focussing on the benefits of #sleep. Follow #SleepWeek for more insight #HMCschools… 0 0 2017 12/03/2017
Tweet 12/03/2017 08:58 PM RT @BedfordSchool: #SleepWeek #SleepBenefits 1. Improves memory - during sleep you can strengthen memories or 'practice' skills learnt that… 0 0 2017 12/03/2017
Tweet 12/03/2017 08:58 PM RT @BedfordSchool: #SleepWeek #SleepBenefits 2. Spurs Creativity - the brain reorganises & restructures memory during sleep which may resul… 0 0 2017 12/03/2017
Tweet 12/03/2017 08:58 PM RT @BedfordSchool: #SleepWeek #Sleep Benefits 3. Improves performance - increased sleep over a number of weeks can improve speed & stamina… 0 0 2017 12/03/2017
Tweet 13/03/2017 08:41 AM RT @HMC_Org: Threats forcing us to run state schools are misguided + patronising write @HMC_Chair + @russellhobby in @MailOnline https://t.… 0 0 2017 13/03/2017
Tweet 13/03/2017 08:41 AM RT @HMC_Org: There are many different ways parents pay for education! RT Houses close to top state schools cost up to 60% more… 0 0 2017 13/03/2017
Tweet 13/03/2017 08:41 AM RT @HMC_Org: . @RealGeoffBarton We believe govt proposal that independent schools should sponsor +run state schools is misguided https://t.… 0 0 2017 13/03/2017