Tweet 03/03/2017 09:22 AM RT @bernardtrafford: Tks to @Hymers_College 4 hosting @HMC_Org NE Division. Found P Larkin at stn w, appropriate in Hull Culture City, gran… 0 0 2017 03/03/2017
Tweet 03/03/2017 09:22 AM RT @HeadPockSchool: Welcome to all Heads of Departments attending the @HMC_Org NE training event @PockSchool today. 0 0 2017 03/03/2017
Tweet 03/03/2017 09:49 AM RT @HMC_TT: New vacancy at Woodhouse Grove School: Teacher of History and Religious Studies. Please visit… 0 0 2017 03/03/2017
Tweet 03/03/2017 11:00 AM RT @ISC_schools: ISC proposal wins public support:… …… … 0 0 2017 03/03/2017
Tweet 03/03/2017 03:57 PM RT @Philip_Britton: Great blog @SueHincks from @BoltonSchool - this is how @HMC_Org and @GSAUK schools can help create more good school pl… 0 0 2017 03/03/2017
Tweet 03/03/2017 03:57 PM RT @ISC_schools: There are many flourishing independent state school partnerships, all well established and offering a myriad of opportunit… 0 0 2017 03/03/2017
Tweet 03/03/2017 03:57 PM RT @ISC_schools: Public 'want subsidised private school places for poor' | News… 0 0 2017 03/03/2017
Tweet 04/03/2017 08:51 AM RT @ISC_schools: Our schools give £370 million in free or reduced places to children from low income families every year. 0 0 2017 04/03/2017
Tweet 04/03/2017 08:51 AM RT @ISC_schools: There are over 40,000 children from low income families on free or reduced places at our schools 0 0 2017 04/03/2017
Tweet 04/03/2017 08:51 AM RT @ISC_schools: .@SueHincks details why she supports the ISC joint-funding model to create up to 10,000 free school places a year: https:… 0 0 2017 04/03/2017
Tweet 04/03/2017 11:19 AM RT @ISC_schools: Over half of means tested children pay less than half their fees 0 0 2017 04/03/2017
Tweet 04/03/2017 11:19 AM RT @ISC_schools: Great variety of independent schools - fees start at £4,500 per year 0 0 2017 04/03/2017
Tweet 04/03/2017 11:19 AM RT @ISC_schools: Average day school fee at independent school is £13,500 - less if parents can't afford it and need help from school 0 0 2017 04/03/2017
Tweet 04/03/2017 11:19 AM RT @ISC_schools: Schools gave £370 million in free and reduced places to children from low income families @the times 0 0 2017 04/03/2017
Tweet 04/03/2017 11:43 AM RT @ISC_schools: Over 40,000 children from low income families have free or reduced places st ISC schools @thetimes @nicolawoolcock 0 0 2017 04/03/2017
Tweet 04/03/2017 12:02 PM Story about a handful of schools in London/SE. National picture different. Average day fee £13,500 so half of schools less than that...… 0 0 2017 04/03/2017
Tweet 04/03/2017 12:57 PM 40,000 children from lower income homes have free or substantially reduced places. 40% pay less than 1/4 + over half pay less than 50% fees 0 0 2017 04/03/2017
Tweet 04/03/2017 05:31 PM RT @nicolawoolcock: @nicolawoolcock @ISC_schools ...but the bulk of bursaries still spent on children from poorer backgrounds 0 0 2017 04/03/2017
Tweet 04/03/2017 07:12 PM RT @bernardtrafford: I'm sorry? Not what we recognise at great majority of independents: @RGSNewcastle av bursary help some 90% on fees of… 0 0 2017 04/03/2017
Tweet 04/03/2017 08:33 PM Alarming effect of the blue screen, addictive games and fear of missing out on social media @guardian… 0 0 2017 04/03/2017
Tweet 04/03/2017 08:34 PM RT @HeadDurham: @HelenLPike @HMC_Org @guardian @GoodSchoolsUK I think the approach taken in boarding schools should be replicated at home.… 0 0 2017 04/03/2017
Tweet 04/03/2017 08:53 PM Alarming but not surprising given findings from our survey on mobile phone use during the night @guardiannews… 0 0 2017 04/03/2017
Tweet 04/03/2017 08:55 PM @HelenLPike @HeadDurham @GoodSchoolsUK Alarming but not surprising given our survey findings on mobile use at night 0 0 2017 04/03/2017
Tweet 04/03/2017 09:42 PM RT @KGSheadmaster: @HMC_Org @guardiannews Using a mobile is like crossing the road...our children need our help in teaching them how to do… 0 0 2017 04/03/2017