Tweet 22/11/2016 08:41 AM RT @HMC_Org: What have been the independent school sector’s greatest achievements this year? @HMC_Chair @Ashfordhead in @IE_Today https://t… 0 0 2016 22/11/2016
Tweet 22/11/2016 08:41 AM RT @HMC_Org: New survey: 75% of independently-educated undergraduates rated their school’s preparation for Uni as good/very good @GSAUK @HM… 0 0 2016 22/11/2016
Tweet 22/11/2016 08:42 AM See @tes Leadership webinar: leading creative schools (video and webchat) with @HMC_Chair @Ashfordhead 0 0 2016 22/11/2016
Tweet 22/11/2016 08:43 AM RT @HMC_Org: Pupils in #HMCschools play on average between 5 and 6 hours of sports and games a week in over 40 different sports https://t.c… 0 0 2016 22/11/2016
Tweet 22/11/2016 05:09 PM RT @HMC_Org: NEW! blog: Gavin Horgan @worksopcollege on why students should be involved in important decisions at school...… 0 0 2016 22/11/2016
Tweet 22/11/2016 05:09 PM RT @HMC_Org: Look at libraries over league tables when choosing a school Nigel Lashbrook @OakhamSch @tele_education 0 0 2016 22/11/2016
Tweet 22/11/2016 05:09 PM RT @HMC_Org: Bootham School pupils write their own #GCSE #astronomy guide @BoothamSchool #HMCschools 0 0 2016 22/11/2016
Tweet 23/11/2016 12:03 PM George Heriot’s appoints first woman headteacher in its history @TheScotsman @George_Heriots #HMCschools… 0 0 2016 23/11/2016
Tweet 23/11/2016 12:05 PM RT @HMC_Org: See @tes Leadership webinar: leading creative schools (video and webchat) with @HMC_Chair @Ashfordhead 0 0 2016 23/11/2016
Tweet 23/11/2016 12:06 PM New survey: 75% of independently-educated undergraduates rated their school’s preparation for Uni as good/very good @GSAUK @HMC_HigherEd 0 0 2016 23/11/2016
Tweet 23/11/2016 12:24 PM Independent @StPaulsSchool joins mental health drive for teachers @thetimes @TimetoChange #wellbeing 0 0 2016 23/11/2016
Tweet 23/11/2016 12:38 PM An increasing number of partnerships are making a real difference to pupils' lives in state and independent schools 0 0 2016 23/11/2016