Tweet 04/10/2016 02:04 PM RT @PatrickDerham: How to make Britain truly meritocratic… 0 0 2016 04/10/2016
Tweet 04/10/2016 02:08 PM RT @eyefilm: Hear what @WillGompertzBBC had to say to the heads #HMCConf16 @HMC_Org @HMC_Chair… 0 0 2016 04/10/2016
Tweet 04/10/2016 02:09 PM RT @DownsideHM: Excellent comment from @PatrickDerham on current education policy @HMC_Org… 0 0 2016 04/10/2016
Tweet 04/10/2016 02:20 PM RT @RPBackhouse: David Halpern at #HMCConf16: Brain interpreting data all the time, unrealised. Mental shortcuts key part of people's think… 0 0 2016 04/10/2016
Tweet 04/10/2016 02:24 PM RT @RPBackhouse: David Halpern at #HMCConf16 - frictions matters: if something becomes more difficult people do less of it. Auto-enrolment… 0 0 2016 04/10/2016
Tweet 04/10/2016 02:30 PM RT @AnnHaydonSHS: Should Headteachers tweet ? #tweetingheads #HMCConf16 0 0 2016 04/10/2016
Tweet 04/10/2016 02:30 PM RT @RPBackhouse: David Halpern at #HMCConf16 - humans are incredibly influenced by declarative social norms: what are others doing (publicl… 0 0 2016 04/10/2016
Tweet 04/10/2016 02:38 PM RT @SallyAnneHuang: So proud of @JAGSschool transgender pupil who led a moving and helpful workshop for @HMC_Org heads today. Wonderful eng… 0 0 2016 04/10/2016
Tweet 04/10/2016 02:38 PM RT @SallyAnneHuang: Great to hear @jillberry102 on support for heads #HMCConf16 - networking and mutual support very much in evidence. Than… 0 0 2016 04/10/2016
Tweet 04/10/2016 02:39 PM RT @sh_hinchliffe: Pupil: 'Please sir, my brain hurts'. Teacher: 'good'. Learning happens when you have to think hard - @ProfCoe #CEM #HMCC… 0 0 2016 04/10/2016
Tweet 04/10/2016 03:00 PM Fascinating talk from David Halpern on using behavioural insights to influence human behaviour #HMCConf16 @B_I_Tweets 0 0 2016 04/10/2016
Tweet 04/10/2016 03:16 PM RT @RealGeoffBarton: Hear @HMC’s @Ashfordhead & me on @bbc5live discussing the ill-judged state/independent school plan:… 0 0 2016 04/10/2016