Tweet 04/10/2016 09:08 AM "Shakespeare provides a passport through life" Gregory Doran @TheRSC #HMCConf16 0 0 2016 04/10/2016
Tweet 04/10/2016 09:17 AM Looking at the role of women in leadership and representation of women in power looking at Cleopatra Gregory Doran @TheRSC #HMCConf16 0 0 2016 04/10/2016
Tweet 04/10/2016 09:17 AM RT @RSC_Education: This morning @TheRSC Artistic Director Gregory Doran is talking to @HMC_Org about our upcoming Education work on the Ro… 0 0 2016 04/10/2016
Tweet 04/10/2016 09:17 AM RT @RSCPress: 'Shakespeare belongs to the world and not just the few' Gregory Doran speaking @HMC_Org conference. 0 0 2016 04/10/2016
Tweet 04/10/2016 09:19 AM RT @RSCPress: Gregory Doran speaking @HMC_Org conference. Shakespeare changes lives & what young people are capable of.… 0 0 2016 04/10/2016
Tweet 04/10/2016 09:19 AM RT @RSCPress: 'We bring our own knowledge & understanding of the world to Shakespeare's plays' Gregory Doran @HMC_Org conference 0 0 2016 04/10/2016
Tweet 04/10/2016 09:20 AM RT @Head_stpaulsSP: Interesting discussion on women in Shakespeare and how schools can use this to tackle self image issues in girls in our… 0 0 2016 04/10/2016
Tweet 04/10/2016 09:20 AM RT @RSCPress: 'There is no right or wrong answer, it's up to you how to interpret Shakespeare's plays' Gregory Doran @HMC_Org 0 0 2016 04/10/2016
Tweet 04/10/2016 09:21 AM RT @Head_WHS: #HMCConf16 Exciting call to arms from Greg Doran. Schools + @TheRSC to work together to address the big issues of our time. 0 0 2016 04/10/2016
Tweet 04/10/2016 09:21 AM RT @SidcotHead: Absorbing talk from Greg Doran on the relevance of Shakespeare in modern education; speaking creatively to the human condit… 0 0 2016 04/10/2016
Tweet 04/10/2016 09:21 AM RT @Freemensconnect: Greg Doran talking about #schoolpartnerships #hmcconf16 @HMC_Org celebrating Shakespeare @TheRSC… 0 0 2016 04/10/2016
Tweet 04/10/2016 09:21 AM RT @Freemensconnect: Enjoying Greg Doran on reviving Shakespeare's classical texts in 2017 @HMC_Org #hmcconf16 sharing notes from @TheRSC E… 0 0 2016 04/10/2016