Tweet 25/09/2016 10:43 AM RT @schoolstogether: The Schools Together website posts in one place the partnerships that exist between independent schools, state schools… 0 0 2016 25/09/2016
Tweet 25/09/2016 10:43 AM RT @schoolstogether: Does your school have a partnership to share with us? Please email for more information. 0 0 2016 25/09/2016
Tweet 25/09/2016 10:44 AM RT @HMC_HigherEd: Top by subject | University Guide 2017 | The Times & The Sunday Times… 0 0 2016 25/09/2016
Tweet 25/09/2016 05:42 PM RT @YorkISSP: The students in our GCSE Latin classes love it! Committed, motivated & sparky! 2 hours a week after school for 2 years. Resul… 0 0 2016 25/09/2016
Tweet 25/09/2016 05:42 PM RT @YorkISSP: Good to get a mention for our GCSE Latin provision. Doing together what a school can't do on its own!… 0 0 2016 25/09/2016
Tweet 26/09/2016 09:06 AM @iapsuk best of luck for your annual conference this week! 0 0 2016 26/09/2016
Tweet 26/09/2016 12:44 PM RT @RFU_schools: Looking for to welcoming @IAPS @ISASportUK @HMC_Org with @EngRugbySchools to Twickenham tomorrow. 0 0 2016 26/09/2016
Tweet 26/09/2016 12:45 PM RT @DCol_Head @dcol_drama #CREATIVESCHOOLS The MAMMOTH cast list for showtime is up! Well done everyone! #dcdrama #showtime #HMCschools… 0 0 2016 26/09/2016
Tweet 26/09/2016 12:45 PM RT @KGSheadmaster: In wake of Olympics, #KGS students have voted for Stanley House to be 1st new house in over 100 years! I can see why. @H… 0 0 2016 26/09/2016
Tweet 26/09/2016 12:45 PM RT @HeadDurham: Some sensible advice on choosing a school from @HMC_Org heads.… 0 0 2016 26/09/2016
Tweet 26/09/2016 12:53 PM RT @ISC_schools: ICYMI: If you break the headmaster's window with a football, you should write a speedy and contrite apology.… 0 0 2016 26/09/2016
Tweet 26/09/2016 01:30 PM We are looking forward to welcoming members to the 2016 HMC Annual Conference @CPStratford #StratfordUponAvon in a week's time #HMCconf16 0 0 2016 26/09/2016