Tweet 25/08/2016 02:30 PM RT @QASCaversham: Congrats to all our @QASCaversham pupils on another fab year of GCSE results with 64% A*/A grades #gcseresults https://t.… 0 0 2016 25/08/2016
Tweet 25/08/2016 02:31 PM RT @QueensTaunton: No fewer than 23% have obtained A* grade 47% achieving A*-A and 77% A*-B overall pass more than 95% #SomersetGCSEs https… 0 0 2016 25/08/2016
Tweet 25/08/2016 02:32 PM RT @QEHSchool: What fantastic #gcseresults - a third of all students achieve straight A*/A grades!…… 0 0 2016 25/08/2016
Tweet 25/08/2016 02:35 PM RT @PriorPark: Prior Park College is thrilled to be celebrating another year of outstanding GCSE success… 0 0 2016 25/08/2016
Tweet 25/08/2016 02:35 PM RT @Herefordcs1: Lots of happy faces here at HCS today click to see more photos @HCSHead 0 0 2016 25/08/2016
Tweet 25/08/2016 02:36 PM RT @hallifordhead: Best ever GCSE results at Halliford with a 25% increase in grades at A*/A. Well done to our pupils for their hard work.… 0 0 2016 25/08/2016
Tweet 25/08/2016 02:36 PM RT @QEGSYorkshire: A huge congratulations to our boys! Fantastic #gcseresults once again, 86% A*-B grades! #MadeinQEGS #GCSEs… 0 0 2016 25/08/2016
Tweet 25/08/2016 02:37 PM RT @GuildfordHigh: GHS are delighted to celebrate a fantastic set of GCSE results today, with 96% of grades awarded at A*/A… 0 0 2016 25/08/2016
Tweet 25/08/2016 02:37 PM RT @Habsmonmouth: Huge congrats to our clever pupils on such fantastic #GCSEresults ! @GoodNews_Schls @GSAUK https:… 0 0 2016 25/08/2016
Tweet 25/08/2016 02:42 PM RT @KentCollegePemb: Our best ever top grades. 27% of exams awarded A*, a 7% increase on 2015, and 57% were awarded either an A*/A #GCSEs h… 0 0 2016 25/08/2016
Tweet 25/08/2016 02:42 PM RT @kentcollegeuk: On a hot day it is cool to be successful at KC! Fab GCSEs results 100% pass rate, 69% achieved were A* - B grades. htt… 0 0 2016 25/08/2016
Tweet 25/08/2016 02:43 PM RT @SallyAnneHuang: So proud of @JAGSschool #gcseresults A huge 70% of all grades A* - 92% A*- A. Outstanding. 0 0 2016 25/08/2016
Tweet 25/08/2016 02:43 PM RT @highgate1565: GCSE and IGCSE results, plus a new Head's blog, are now available. Many congratulations to our pupils!… 0 0 2016 25/08/2016
Tweet 25/08/2016 02:43 PM RT @ElthamHead: Over 82% A*/ A with 60% of year group getting 9 or more straight A-A*. Very proud of all our #ElthamCollege students on #G… 0 0 2016 25/08/2016
Tweet 25/08/2016 02:44 PM RT @ellesmerecoll: Congrats to all our students today! #gcseresults Over a third of all grades are A*/A, more than half are A*/A/B. https:/… 0 0 2016 25/08/2016
Tweet 25/08/2016 02:45 PM RT @FrenshamHeights: Congratulations to all our GCSE students! Another outstanding set of results. See the full story at… 0 0 2016 25/08/2016
Tweet 25/08/2016 02:45 PM RT @FHSRegentsPark: Jumping for joy with our GCSE results today! Well done girls! #gcseresults @GSAUK @GoodNews_Schls… 0 0 2016 25/08/2016
Tweet 25/08/2016 02:45 PM RT @ForestSchoolE17: Forest is delighted to announce that 89% of all GCSE grades awarded to Forest pupils are at A*, A or B #gcseresults ht… 0 0 2016 25/08/2016
Tweet 25/08/2016 02:46 PM RT @EBCollegeLife: Superb exam results for @EBCollegeLife pupils. A level GCSE… 0 0 2016 25/08/2016
Tweet 25/08/2016 02:46 PM RT @DowneHouse1: Congratulations to all our girls receiving GCSE results today. We are celebrating some outstanding results!… 0 0 2016 25/08/2016
Tweet 25/08/2016 02:46 PM RT @downsideschool: 28% of pupils achieved at least 3 A*/A grades. #ALevels #Results #Congratulations… 0 0 2016 25/08/2016
Tweet 25/08/2016 02:47 PM RT @ExeterSchoolUK: 82% of all grades A* or A, 49.8% of grades A* and A* - B pass rate 95.8% @HMC_Org @ISC_schools #gcseresultsday2016 http… 0 0 2016 25/08/2016
Tweet 25/08/2016 02:47 PM RT @KESBham: Siblings have hit all the right notes in their GCSE and A-level results:… 0 0 2016 25/08/2016
Tweet 25/08/2016 02:48 PM RT @KESBath: KES GCSE pupils have stars in their eyes as a third of the year achieve only A* or A grades https://t.… 0 0 2016 25/08/2016
Tweet 25/08/2016 02:49 PM RT @KirkhamGrammar: Truly Record Breaking GCSE Results: Outstanding Results Reflect Hard Work 0 0 2016 25/08/2016
Tweet 25/08/2016 02:49 PM RT @MinsterSchool: We are pleased to announce excellent grades following this year’s GCSE results @UnitedLearning #LincsConnect https://t.c… 0 0 2016 25/08/2016
Tweet 25/08/2016 02:50 PM RT @OhgsPrincipal: Over half of Hulme's GCSE grades (54%) are A*/A - an excellent achievement. % of A* grades up to 18%. % of A*-B grades i… 0 0 2016 25/08/2016
Tweet 25/08/2016 02:50 PM RT @TeddiesOxford: Stop press, heads-up, early doors - cracking GCSE results. Well done to all our brilliant pupils - you deserve it. 0 0 2016 25/08/2016
Tweet 25/08/2016 02:50 PM RT @SevenoaksSchool: Outstanding GCSEs! 92% exams graded A* or A, and over a third of students with 10 or more A*s each #gcseresults @tele_… 0 0 2016 25/08/2016
Tweet 25/08/2016 02:51 PM RT @RydalPenrhos: Pupils and staff at Rydal Penrhos celebrate exceptional #GCSEresults… 0 0 2016 25/08/2016
Tweet 25/08/2016 02:52 PM RT @SeafordCollege: #johngreen #headmaster congratulating @SeafordCollege #students on their #gcseresults today. More to follow... https://… 0 0 2016 25/08/2016
Tweet 25/08/2016 02:52 PM RT @RossallSchool: 100% Pass #GCSE rate! Congratulations to all our students. Your hard work paid off! #gcseresultsday2016… 0 0 2016 25/08/2016
Tweet 25/08/2016 02:52 PM RT @ShiplakeCollege: Another great set of results! A*-A=23% (2015=21%), A*-C=91% (2015=88%). Congratulations to all. #GCSEResults2016 #Cele… 0 0 2016 25/08/2016
Tweet 25/08/2016 02:53 PM RT @RGSGuildford: #RGSResults In total 86 A*s & 1 A grade for the boys taking Maths GCSE early: 25% of the boys scored 97% or higher. https… 0 0 2016 25/08/2016
Tweet 25/08/2016 02:53 PM RT @SidcotSchool: YESSS! Well done everyone and good luck in your next chapter. Don't forget to #LiveAdventurously #GCSEresults #GCSEs http… 0 0 2016 25/08/2016
Tweet 25/08/2016 02:54 PM RT @solsch1560: 85% A*-Bs, and 1/3 of the year with 3 A*/As or more! Could we be any prouder?! #alevelresults #SolSchResults… 0 0 2016 25/08/2016