Tweet 23/08/2016 09:50 AM RT @ISC_schools: We should fear the decline of music in our schools, says Alun Jones, head of @Chethams: https://t.… 0 0 2016 23/08/2016
Tweet 23/08/2016 09:51 AM RT @independenthead: "Independent schools believe sport and exercise are a fundamental part of a British education" @ISC_schools blog https… 0 0 2016 23/08/2016
Tweet 23/08/2016 04:21 PM Featuring #HMCschools @DulwichCollege @CharterhouseSch @malverncollege @ShrewsSchool… 0 0 2016 23/08/2016
Tweet 23/08/2016 05:57 PM RT @Ashfordhead: Parents, pupils & teachers will need to adjust their expectations in the world of new GCSEs… 0 0 2016 23/08/2016
Tweet 24/08/2016 09:54 AM RT @politicsastar: #TeamGB 24% educated by @HMC_Org @GSAUK & @ISC_schools, with 45 of 130 medal winners from independent schools. https://t… 0 0 2016 24/08/2016
Tweet 24/08/2016 10:05 AM RT @SedberghSchool: The new issue of #SedberghView considers the impact of team sport on teen mental health… @HMC_Or… 0 0 2016 24/08/2016
Tweet 24/08/2016 11:01 AM RT @tele_education GCSE results: re-marks, retakes and the step up to sixth form advice from @Head_WHS #HMCschools 0 0 2016 24/08/2016
Tweet 24/08/2016 11:02 PM RT @JohnDHalliday: Tremendous achievement underpinning Team GB success! @HSofDundee parent! Congratulations! @SCISschools @HMC_Org https:/… 0 0 2016 24/08/2016
Tweet 25/08/2016 07:41 AM Good luck to all pupils in #HMCschools collecting #GCSEResults today #GCSEResults2016 0 0 2016 25/08/2016
Tweet 25/08/2016 10:03 AM RT @SpedeNews: Record 27% A* grades at Stamford School & Stamford High School @ISParent @GSAUK @HMC_Org @GoodSchoolsUK… 0 0 2016 25/08/2016
Tweet 25/08/2016 10:03 AM RT @AshfordSchool: We're celebrating #GCSE @HMC_Org @KentishExpress 0 0 2016 25/08/2016
Tweet 25/08/2016 10:04 AM RT @DubaiCollege: A top performance from our GCSE students. 82.1% A*/A grades - A*-C 99.9%. Well done to all! @HMC_Org @COBISorg https://… 0 0 2016 25/08/2016