Tweet 28/04/2016 12:07 PM RT @Ashfordhead: @wmgwarwick Typically, 30% girls & 14% boys at risk of mental health issues in schools. @HMC_Org 0 0 2016 28/04/2016
Tweet 28/04/2016 12:09 PM Caroline Meyer @IDHwarwick Staff #wellbeing equally important - they are role models. Important to direct some resource to this #hmcconf16 0 0 2016 28/04/2016
Tweet 28/04/2016 12:21 PM Caroline Meyer: Important to understand fundamental reasons why people engage in these behaviours to reduce incidences @wmgwarwick 0 0 2016 28/04/2016
Tweet 28/04/2016 12:27 PM Q&A session underway with @NatashaDevonMBE @simonw762 Caroline Meyer @wmgwarwick chaired by @CPJeffery #hmcconf16 0 0 2016 28/04/2016
Tweet 28/04/2016 12:33 PM . @charleshymas @thesundaytimes tells #hmcconf16 as a parent appreciates HMC @ASCL_UK taking #mentalhealth in schools seriously @ST_Newsroom 0 0 2016 28/04/2016
Tweet 28/04/2016 12:35 PM Q: International comparisons driving perfectionism agenda. Is prevalence mental ill health in high ranking @OECD countries comparable? A:Yes 0 0 2016 28/04/2016
Tweet 28/04/2016 12:37 PM RT @WellingtonHead: Caroline Meyer says it is fine for pupils to have high standards, but what happens when they do not meet them is the ke… 0 0 2016 28/04/2016
Tweet 28/04/2016 12:42 PM Teachers being over cautious as scared about triggering. @NatashaDevonMBE key advice is talk about whys rather than hows #hmcconf16 0 0 2016 28/04/2016
Tweet 28/04/2016 12:43 PM Caroline Meyer: Asking someone in supportive way if they are ok /telling them you are worried is not going to cause a problem #hmcconf16 0 0 2016 28/04/2016
Tweet 28/04/2016 12:44 PM Key advice to all schools from @NatashaDevonMBE talk to pupils about habits, how you form them and how you can break them #hmcconf16 0 0 2016 28/04/2016
Tweet 28/04/2016 01:28 PM Chris King @HMC_Chairman welcomes Sarah Brennan @YoungMindsCEO to the stage #hmcconf16 @YoungMindsUK 0 0 2016 28/04/2016
Tweet 28/04/2016 01:29 PM RT @RJMHM: 'Education doesn't mean anything if it is not set in the context of a healthy mind' @NatashaDevonMBE @HMC_Org #hmcconf2016 0 0 2016 28/04/2016