Tweet 17/04/2016 09:07 AM Exclusive: HMC survey shows distraction of social media contributing to pupils' exam stress 0 0 2016 17/04/2016
Tweet 17/04/2016 09:11 AM #BrainCanDo experiment and deep breathing techniques helping to relieve exam stress and improve grades @QASCaversham 0 0 2016 17/04/2016
Tweet 17/04/2016 09:36 AM #HMCschools call @LBC now to share your school #wellbeing and #mentalhealth initiatives… 0 0 2016 17/04/2016
Tweet 17/04/2016 09:46 AM Important debate on @LBC now #HMCschools and parents call in to share your school #mindfulness initiatives with @AndrewCastle63 0 0 2016 17/04/2016
Tweet 17/04/2016 09:49 AM @Philip_Britton @BSBDPA Debate on @LBC @AndrewCastle63 about this right now. Call in to share this great initiative 0 0 2016 17/04/2016
Tweet 17/04/2016 10:06 AM .@CPJeffery @GrangeHartford on @AndrewCastle63 @LBC talking about causes of #mentalhealth problems and why HMC is taking action 0 0 2016 17/04/2016
Tweet 17/04/2016 10:10 AM @MadeUpTeacher1 @SianGriffiths6 @johntomsett recognised as national problem affecting all types of schools. Hence joint conf. with @ASCL_UK 0 0 2016 17/04/2016
Tweet 17/04/2016 10:11 AM RT @KGSheadmaster: @LBC @HMC_Org It shouldn't be a choice between good grades and students' wellbeing. Good schools work well to achieve st… 0 0 2016 17/04/2016
Tweet 17/04/2016 10:35 AM Important debate continues on @LBC this afternoon #HMCschools and parents call in to share your school #mindfulness initiatives 0 0 2016 17/04/2016
Tweet 17/04/2016 11:01 AM Exam period. A tough time for pupils and parents alike read what @bernardtrafford has to say on @thesundaytimes blog 0 0 2016 17/04/2016
Tweet 17/04/2016 12:48 PM RT @bernardtrafford: Trust me: I know! An old lag's advice to parents on handling (and supporting) teenagers in the grip of exam stress! ht… 0 0 2016 17/04/2016
Tweet 17/04/2016 02:37 PM RT @HeadBrom: Sensible advice for parents supporting teenagers during exam time from @HMC_Org Bernard Trafford… 0 0 2016 17/04/2016
Tweet 17/04/2016 06:49 PM RT @jlpcoach: Bravo @HMC_Org for highlighting #exam #stress among teenagers. I'm coaching both #parents & students to address it https://t.… 0 0 2016 17/04/2016
Tweet 17/04/2016 06:51 PM RT @independenthead: Chris King: @HMC_Chairman on rationale of @HMC_Org #mentalhealth initiative incl training course for teachers. https:… 0 0 2016 17/04/2016
Tweet 18/04/2016 03:39 PM Choosing a school is like buying a house and it should "feel right" upon visiting it @Ashfordhead @tele_education 0 0 2016 18/04/2016
Tweet 18/04/2016 03:40 PM Chair Elect @Ashfordhead Parents should ignore school league tables as they only give them 'bragging rights'… 0 0 2016 18/04/2016
Tweet 19/04/2016 08:38 AM HMC is delighted to welcome new members @SLongstaff @putneyhigh @ianhughmunro @KAGlasgow @kirkhamhead @kirkhamGrammar @byrne_d @LGSGrammar 0 0 2016 19/04/2016
Tweet 19/04/2016 08:45 AM HMC is delighted to welcome new members Dr Tim Greene @CollegeClifton Alastair Land @ReptonSchool 0 0 2016 19/04/2016
Tweet 19/04/2016 10:27 AM Congrats! RT @cheltcollege We are delighted to have been rated 'Excellent' in a recent ISI inspection! #HMCschools… 0 0 2016 19/04/2016
Tweet 19/04/2016 12:45 PM RT @HMC_TT: New vacancy - Teacher of English St Albans School, Hertfordshire Closing date: 03/5/16 0 0 2016 19/04/2016
Tweet 19/04/2016 01:18 PM See p 15 @indepmagazine @HMC_Chairman @LGS_Senior on how we can overcome the biggest challenges facing the sector… 0 0 2016 19/04/2016
Tweet 19/04/2016 01:22 PM How to equip international students for an unknown global future - HMC member Frances King @millhillschool is quoted… 0 0 2016 19/04/2016
Tweet 19/04/2016 01:23 PM RT @RPBackhouse: A blog post from this time last year: how to handle disaffected final year pupils… #ukedchat @HMC_O… 0 0 2016 19/04/2016
Tweet 19/04/2016 03:29 PM NEW blog 'The right kind of confidence' by @sh_hinchliffe @BradfordGrammar @Benfogle @SianGriffiths6 @thesundaytimes 0 0 2016 19/04/2016
Tweet 19/04/2016 03:48 PM .@ZoeWanamaker + @DavidHarewood in agreement with HMC Chair Elect @Ashfordhead re live drama… 0 0 2016 19/04/2016
Tweet 19/04/2016 04:21 PM Perfectionism; a curse of the modern age? an interesting blog by @CPJeffery @GrangeHartford… 0 0 2016 19/04/2016
Tweet 19/04/2016 05:01 PM NEW blog: What happened when Anthony Berry's daughter and Pat Magee's paths crossed @Hymers_College by David Elstone 0 0 2016 19/04/2016
Tweet 19/04/2016 05:30 PM RT @AmpleforthColl: An interesting article on why a varied curriculum is so crucial for young people. #learningforlife… 0 0 2016 19/04/2016
Tweet 20/04/2016 08:46 AM Congrats! RT Really proud to see the amazing inspection report published - a fantastic achievement! #HMCschools… 0 0 2016 20/04/2016
Tweet 20/04/2016 09:28 AM RT @tele_education: Swimming lessons help with childrens' maths results, study finds… 0 0 2016 20/04/2016
Tweet 20/04/2016 09:46 AM RT @markd_mortimer: Excellent article on confidence by the Headmaster of @BradfordGrammar… 0 0 2016 20/04/2016
Tweet 20/04/2016 09:46 AM RT @boothamJT: Students @BoothamSchool know how to deal with stress - wellbeing is obviously lollipop-shaped #coolschool @HMC_Org https://t… 0 0 2016 20/04/2016
Tweet 20/04/2016 10:57 AM RT @attainmagazine: “Let’s shake-up league tables” says @Ashfordhead “…they fail to provide parents with the right information” @HMC_Org ht… 0 0 2016 20/04/2016
Tweet 20/04/2016 12:07 PM RT @BradfordGrammar: "Expert teaching encourages students to take risks, believe in themselves and reach high." htt… 0 0 2016 20/04/2016
Tweet 20/04/2016 02:52 PM Keith Budge webinar on Liberating Schools leaders ahead of @BedalesSchool / @tes conference… 0 0 2016 20/04/2016