Tweet 02/03/2016 08:15 AM HMC schools working actively with @RFU_schools to make the sport as safe as possible including concussion training 0 0 2016 02/03/2016
Tweet 02/03/2016 08:16 AM All HMC schools follow a strict set of concussion protocols and young players are taught about risks of concussion 0 0 2016 02/03/2016
Tweet 02/03/2016 08:17 AM Far greater emphasis placed on safety and management of risk during the game, including tighter refereeing of scrum 0 0 2016 02/03/2016
Tweet 02/03/2016 08:19 AM "Concerns from some medical professionals being treated seriously and action taken but to stop all contact rugby would be premature" 0 0 2016 02/03/2016
Tweet 02/03/2016 08:20 AM "We need to gather sufficient evidence and adopt a balanced approach which weighs the undoubted benefits of rugby against these concerns" 0 0 2016 02/03/2016
Tweet 02/03/2016 10:43 AM RT @WellingtonHead: Avenues such as bio-banding/Rugby by weight also being actively explored. @bbceducation @wellington_spw @Ashfordhead ht… 0 0 2016 02/03/2016
Tweet 02/03/2016 10:57 AM RT @wellington_spw: @HMC_Org @RFU_schools bio banding is the answer. Yr 7-10 it's about skill enhancement and participation. Schools need t… 0 0 2016 02/03/2016
Tweet 02/03/2016 11:04 AM HMC Sports Committee Chair on 'Sports safety and schools: the case of rugby' p26 #HMCInsight 0 0 2016 02/03/2016
Tweet 03/03/2016 05:33 PM David Elstone @Hymers_College Chair HMC Sports Committee quoted in @IE_Today on rugby safety… 0 0 2016 03/03/2016
Tweet 03/03/2016 05:39 PM Thanks to all North East #HMCschools for contributing to an interesting meeting of marketing minds @YarmSchool today… 0 0 2016 03/03/2016
Tweet 03/03/2016 05:40 PM Huge thanks to the impressive @YarmSchool for hosting the first #HMCschools North East Marketing Meeting today… 0 0 2016 03/03/2016
Tweet 03/03/2016 05:41 PM @YarmSchool we are missing the view already. Such a beautiful setting. And your Auditorium is beyond impressive #HMCschools 0 0 2016 03/03/2016