Tweet 06/10/2015 04:08 PM RT @JaviereTMG: Schools today aren't preparing children for a world where they could have up to "40 jobs and 20 different careers". #hmccon… 0 0 2015 06/10/2015
Tweet 06/10/2015 04:09 PM RT @ShiplakeHM: Don't lose your mobile phone. Rohit Talwar says female contraception will fitted in the body and triggered from the mobile … 0 0 2015 06/10/2015
Tweet 06/10/2015 04:12 PM Artificial Intelligence being brought in to industries such as medicine a 'silent revolution' @fastfuture #hmcconf15 0 0 2015 06/10/2015
Tweet 06/10/2015 04:13 PM What impact does automation and robotics have on jobs mkt? 30% of jobs won't exist in 10 yrs time @fastfuture #hmcconf15 0 0 2015 06/10/2015
Tweet 06/10/2015 04:14 PM New industries highly automated so a lot less jobs. How do we make sure we have abundance. Will everyone have a job in future? @fastfuture 0 0 2015 06/10/2015
Tweet 06/10/2015 04:14 PM RT @kieran_earley: @HMC_Org - Internet of things, AI & increasingly powerful digital "Siri-type" assistants are on their way & they will ch… 0 0 2015 06/10/2015
Tweet 06/10/2015 04:17 PM What could you do differently? Exponential improvement @fastfuture #hmcconf15 0 0 2015 06/10/2015
Tweet 06/10/2015 04:18 PM Life expectancy: children can expect to live to 120 @fastfuture #hmcconf15 0 0 2015 06/10/2015
Tweet 06/10/2015 04:23 PM RT @ShiplakeHM: Uploading your brain to the Internet by 2025. Google are working on it already and believe it will happen. Even more scary… 0 0 2015 06/10/2015
Tweet 06/10/2015 04:23 PM RT @DCol_Head: Upload a language to your brain by 2020. Where do schools fit in? #hmcconf15 @HMC_Org 0 0 2015 06/10/2015