Tweet 21/09/2015 07:38 PM RT @RJMHM: Enjoying the @HMC_Org App this evening. Wishing @HMC_Chairman a productive year at the helm and a successful conference. #lookin… 0 0 2015 21/09/2015
Tweet 21/09/2015 07:39 PM @RJMHM @HMC_Chairman we are pleased you like the app and we look forward to seeing you at the #HMCconf15 0 0 2015 21/09/2015
Tweet 22/09/2015 08:03 AM #HMCHeads who are yet to download the new #hmcconf15 app please see weekly news dated 11.09.15 for details… 0 0 2015 22/09/2015
Tweet 22/09/2015 08:04 AM @kevinfear we are looking forward to seeing you #communications 0 0 2015 22/09/2015
Tweet 22/09/2015 12:06 PM See interview with @bernardtrafford - @RGSNewcastle prepares to welcome Scotland rugby team… 0 0 2015 22/09/2015
Tweet 22/09/2015 12:15 PM RT @Clifton_College: @RGSNewcastle Hope you have as much luck as we had @Clifton_College with the Japanese team: )… 0 0 2015 22/09/2015
Tweet 22/09/2015 12:46 PM RT @Kings_Rochester: 400million heard King's Raph Janssen open @RWC2015UK. In @thetimes today! We & @RochesterCathed so proud of you! http:… 0 0 2015 22/09/2015
Tweet 22/09/2015 03:47 PM RT @SedberghSchool: Today we host an Oxbridge conference for Cumbrian schools. @HMC_Org @incumbriamag @Cambridge_Uni @UniofOxford http://t… 0 0 2015 22/09/2015
Tweet 22/09/2015 03:54 PM RT @HeadMTBS: 1/2 MUFTI on Friday raising money for UNICEF neonatal tetanus. Heads of HMC schools recreating 'beach run' from Chariots of … 0 0 2015 22/09/2015
Tweet 22/09/2015 06:09 PM RT @RJMHM: A brave new world for me ... a run for @HMC_Org @HMCChairElect14 and @UNICEF_uk means I now have a just giving page… 0 0 2015 22/09/2015
Tweet 23/09/2015 11:54 AM RT @RGSReTHINK: Rates of depression and anxiety in young people have risen by 70% in last 10 years but have schools 70% more resources and … 0 0 2015 23/09/2015
Tweet 23/09/2015 12:28 PM RT @HeadDurham: Delighted to welcome 35 Chinese Headteachers to Durham School today @dunelmia via @BritishCouncil 0 0 2015 23/09/2015