Tweet 26/07/2015 03:18 PM "one of the simple rules that could make a real difference is to ban mobile phones from the bedroom" @bernardtrafford 0 0 2015 26/07/2015
Tweet 26/07/2015 03:19 PM "We should ban technology from the bedroom, for our own mental health as much as our children’s” @bernardtrafford 0 0 2015 26/07/2015
Tweet 26/07/2015 03:25 PM RT @COLFEShistory: .@bernardtrafford absolutely right. Adults should impose this rule on themselves as well!… 0 0 2015 26/07/2015
Tweet 26/07/2015 03:29 PM Old-fashioned scholarship and an eye on the future makes for top marks #HMCHead @StephenPerse + @ThePerseSchool feat. 0 0 2015 26/07/2015
Tweet 26/07/2015 03:35 PM #HMCHead @StephenPerse 'Homework might be routine, but tech can make it meaningful'… 0 0 2015 26/07/2015
Tweet 26/07/2015 03:48 PM Homework has undergone a makeover @StephenPerse simply by adding tablets to teachers toolkits #HMCschools 0 0 2015 26/07/2015
Tweet 26/07/2015 03:48 PM How is your school rethinking homework? Share your ideas by tweeting @GuardianTeach 0 0 2015 26/07/2015
Tweet 26/07/2015 04:12 PM The secret of our success...we still believe strongly in our academic pedigree and the importance of scholarship 0 0 2015 26/07/2015
Tweet 26/07/2015 04:13 PM “In addition to the exams they need, we are ensuring they are prepared for life" @StephenPerse 0 0 2015 26/07/2015
Tweet 26/07/2015 04:14 PM “The girls excel in so many areas, but it is their good humour, enthusiasm and curiosity that never fails to impress” 0 0 2015 26/07/2015
Tweet 26/07/2015 04:16 PM Sunday Times #ParentPower #HMCHead Fiona Boulton @GuildfordHigh is quoted. 0 0 2015 26/07/2015
Tweet 26/07/2015 06:11 PM RT @MillanSachania: Good news on minority language GCSEs: I saw first hand the value of Mod Hebrew at Immanuel @HMC_Org when DH there. htt… 0 0 2015 26/07/2015