Tweet 24/03/2015 08:47 AM Press Release: HMC schools / leading universities inaugural summit on transitions for 16-21 years… @HMC_Chairman 0 0 2015 24/03/2015
Tweet 24/03/2015 08:56 AM Hear hear @Philip_Britton 'It's time for a reset on politicians' nonsensical attitudes toward independent schools' 0 0 2015 24/03/2015
Tweet 24/03/2015 09:44 AM RT @PAEducationCorr: 6th-formers need more support when they leave schl for uni @HMC_Org chair warns. my story via 0 0 2015 24/03/2015
Tweet 24/03/2015 11:02 AM RT @HMC_HigherEd: @HEAcademy and @HMC_Org spring conference today to discuss teaching and care at uni 0 0 2015 24/03/2015
Tweet 24/03/2015 01:57 PM @HMC_Org Spring Conference underway at @britishlibrary to discuss qualifications, reform & admissions to #highereducation 0 0 2015 24/03/2015
Tweet 24/03/2015 01:59 PM @HMC_Chairman addresses members at the 2015 Spring Conference @britishlibrary 0 0 2015 24/03/2015
Tweet 24/03/2015 02:05 PM Sir Bob Burgess co-chairing 2015 HMC spring conference with @HMC_Chairman @britishlibrary 0 0 2015 24/03/2015
Tweet 24/03/2015 02:05 PM RT @TeddiesOxford: Qualification reform and the complexities of admission to Higher Education - the Warden speaks to @HMC_Org on both topic… 0 0 2015 24/03/2015
Tweet 24/03/2015 04:07 PM HMC Membership Secretary Ian Power on the findings of HMC's sports survey at the Spring Briefing 2015 @britishlibrary 0 0 2015 24/03/2015
Tweet 24/03/2015 04:09 PM Neil Rollings Chair of @PADSIS_UK keynote address at the HMC spring briefing 2015 0 0 2015 24/03/2015
Tweet 24/03/2015 05:45 PM @ReptonSport all members received the survey results in last week's Friday news. Please speak to your head to obtain a copy. 0 0 2015 24/03/2015
Tweet 24/03/2015 05:56 PM RT @LucyPearsonCHS: @HMC_Org CHS showing that these girls can and do - supporting both participation and performance in girls.… 0 0 2015 24/03/2015