Tweet 16/10/2014 09:48 AM RT @independenthead: Debunking the myths of University of Oxford interviews @berkhamsted6th @HMC_Org @GSAUK… 0 0 2014 16/10/2014
Tweet 16/10/2014 09:54 AM "Career advice brings better grades" Why a #HMCschool? Preparation for #highered + employment 0 0 2014 16/10/2014
Tweet 16/10/2014 09:56 AM Find out more about HMC Teacher Training on Vimeo #teachertraining #pgce #qualifiedteacherstatus #teaching @HMC_TT 0 0 2014 16/10/2014
Tweet 16/10/2014 11:12 AM What does the HMC logo tell you about a school? #leadingschools #hmcschools #independentschools #excellence 0 0 2014 16/10/2014
Tweet 16/10/2014 11:59 AM RT @tjjteacher: Always felt out of my depth in dealing with mental health issues. This is interesting from @HMC_Org :… 0 0 2014 16/10/2014
Tweet 20/10/2014 11:21 AM Independent schools could drop A-levels in protest against reforms - Education - @tes @bernardtrafford @habsboys 0 0 2014 20/10/2014
Tweet 20/10/2014 11:30 AM RT @echeadmaster: @tes 1/2 Independent schools don't make choices like this 'in protest'; they do it because they believe it is best for th… 0 0 2014 20/10/2014
Tweet 20/10/2014 11:59 AM RT @independenthead: Teachers need to set boundaries between personal & professional lives on social media @HMC_Org @GSAUK @berkhamstedsch … 0 0 2014 20/10/2014
Tweet 21/10/2014 01:52 PM 'Big jumps in requests for exam re-marks and grade changes mean Ofqual must sort out exam board problems urgently'… 0 0 2014 21/10/2014
Tweet 21/10/2014 01:55 PM We have been pointing out these problems each summer + still the no. of candidates getting the wrong grades increases 0 0 2014 21/10/2014
Tweet 21/10/2014 01:56 PM @ofqual is about to introduce significant new demands on exam boards to up their game on accuracy of marking. This can’t come quickly enough 0 0 2014 21/10/2014
Tweet 21/10/2014 02:01 PM The measures taken by @ofqual need to be applied relentlessly as boards have shown that they can’t be trusted to get marks right first time. 0 0 2014 21/10/2014