Tweet 30/09/2014 11:01 AM RT @tes: David Blunkett tells #HMC2014 there is a great deal of best practice in both public and private education sectors that must be sha… 0 0 2014 30/09/2014
Tweet 30/09/2014 11:03 AM Stephen Dorrell: "The holistic development of the individual must be the prime focus of anyone running a school" #HMC2014 0 0 2014 30/09/2014
Tweet 30/09/2014 11:05 AM Stephen Dorrell recognises the work done by HMC on exams has also served pupils in the maintained sector #HMC2014 0 0 2014 30/09/2014
Tweet 30/09/2014 11:11 AM @DavidBlunkettMP would like to see more funding put forward from govt and ind schools to facilitate more partnership working #HMC2014 0 0 2014 30/09/2014
Tweet 30/09/2014 11:11 AM RT @eye_4_business: Filming Anthony Seldon in conversation with Stephen Dorell and David Blunket for @HMC_Org at #HMC2014… 0 0 2014 30/09/2014
Tweet 30/09/2014 11:13 AM RT @Head_stpaulsSP: Really enjoying collaboration and stimulating discussion at #HMC2014. Lots of ideas to bring back to São Paulo. 0 0 2014 30/09/2014
Tweet 30/09/2014 11:21 AM @DavidBlunkettMP Academy sponsorship is a useful but not necessarily the best form of partnership #HMC2014 0 0 2014 30/09/2014
Tweet 30/09/2014 11:23 AM Stephen Dorrell on forms of partnership...look at what works best for the individual school #HMC2014 0 0 2014 30/09/2014
Tweet 30/09/2014 11:23 AM RT @Rendcomb: @LeoWinkley gets a sensible answer on academy sponsorship after last year's debacle @HMC_Org #findingamutualvoice #HMC2014 0 0 2014 30/09/2014
Tweet 30/09/2014 11:26 AM RT @tes: Stephen Dorrell says the independent sector uses its voice to contribute to policy discussions that benefit the maintained sector … 0 0 2014 30/09/2014
Tweet 30/09/2014 11:36 AM Stephen Dorrell: Participating in debates thats affect both sectors it demonstrates in practice the value of independence #HMC2014 0 0 2014 30/09/2014
Tweet 30/09/2014 11:44 AM Stop bashing independent schooling. In fact, let's just stop talking about educational background altogether #HMC2014 0 0 2014 30/09/2014
Tweet 30/09/2014 11:51 AM @DavidBlunkettMP "Cosby thinks the examinations system is a dog's dinner" #HMC2014 0 0 2014 30/09/2014
Tweet 30/09/2014 12:07 PM @FrChrisJamison talks to members at the 2014 HMC Annual Conference #HMC2014 0 0 2014 30/09/2014
Tweet 30/09/2014 12:20 PM @FrChrisJamison: The role of the Head is to find a public voice to reflect the ethos of the school and its foundation #HMC2014 0 0 2014 30/09/2014
Tweet 30/09/2014 02:05 PM New dean to head up innovative teacher training scheme -… @HMC_TT 0 0 2014 30/09/2014
Tweet 30/09/2014 02:33 PM @Rendcomb headteacher speaks out about benefits of independent schools for disadvantaged children… 0 0 2014 30/09/2014
Tweet 30/09/2014 02:41 PM The stigmatisation of education, state or private, is boring, predictable and childish @brushingboots 0 0 2014 30/09/2014
Tweet 30/09/2014 07:13 PM @HMC_HigherEd introduces the Universities panel debate at @cardiffuni #HMC2014 0 0 2014 30/09/2014
Tweet 30/09/2014 07:14 PM @AaronPorter expects student satisfaction to go down next summer with the first cohort of graduates on the new fee regime #HMC2014 0 0 2014 30/09/2014
Tweet 30/09/2014 07:15 PM @nickhillman thinks pastoral care and student experience will become more important over next few years #HMC2014 0 0 2014 30/09/2014
Tweet 01/10/2014 07:36 AM Cadet forces under threat as independent schools face up to funding cut… @TJCGarnier @HMC_Chairman #HMC2014 0 0 2014 01/10/2014
Tweet 01/10/2014 07:36 AM Public school cadet forces face closure as costs rise… @TJCGarnier @HMC_Chairman #HMC2014 0 0 2014 01/10/2014
Tweet 01/10/2014 07:37 AM HMC Members who want to see speeches and news summaries from the conference so far please visit the Member Zone. 0 0 2014 01/10/2014
Tweet 01/10/2014 08:56 AM Sir John Scarlett former Chief of MI6 takes to the stage at the 2014 HMC Annually Conference #HMC2014 0 0 2014 01/10/2014
Tweet 01/10/2014 09:04 AM Our conference hashtag has been hijacked! Please now use #HMCconf2014 0 0 2014 01/10/2014
Tweet 01/10/2014 09:15 AM Sir John Scarlett:We must resist the temptation to opt out of technological change. We need to understand the context in which students live 0 0 2014 01/10/2014
Tweet 01/10/2014 09:40 AM RT @WellingtonHead: Sir John Scarlett reminds us that strong personal values and common sense are needed when communicating through modern … 0 0 2014 01/10/2014
Tweet 01/10/2014 09:44 AM Reverend Nick Mercer takes to the stage at the 2014 HMC Annual Conference #HMCconf2014 0 0 2014 01/10/2014
Tweet 01/10/2014 09:50 AM RT @Rendcomb: Nicholas Mercer challenges @HMC_Org to encourage pupils to have the moral courage to speak out #HMC 2014 0 0 2014 01/10/2014
Tweet 01/10/2014 09:55 AM RT @RPBackhouse: Instruction of human rights in the classroom, championing them, and applying them in practice key educational goal says Me… 0 0 2014 01/10/2014
Tweet 01/10/2014 09:56 AM RT @Head_stpaulsSP: Thought provoking comments from Nick Mercer. Can we teach pupils to live their lives with the courage of their convict… 0 0 2014 01/10/2014
Tweet 01/10/2014 09:58 AM Shami Chakrabarti takes to the stage at the 2014 HMC Annual Conference 'Speaking truth to power' #HMCconf2014 0 0 2014 01/10/2014
Tweet 01/10/2014 10:00 AM Shami Chakrabarti 'Human rights values have to live at home and in the classroom not just the courtroom' #HMCconf2014 0 0 2014 01/10/2014
Tweet 01/10/2014 10:04 AM Shami Chakrabarti motto: Anyone is equal no-one is superior #HMCconf2014 0 0 2014 01/10/2014
Tweet 01/10/2014 10:04 AM RT @AnnHaydonSHS: Powerful quote from Shami Chakrabarti @HMC_Org conference 'Anyone is equal but no one is superior ' 0 0 2014 01/10/2014
Tweet 01/10/2014 10:13 AM Shami Chakrabarti 'Ethically we have a responsibility to deliver others' human rights' #HMCconf2014 0 0 2014 01/10/2014
Tweet 01/10/2014 10:25 AM Rev NickMercer: Teach children to 'Never give up, no matter how much ignominy is heaped upon you when seeking the truth' #HMCconf2014 0 0 2014 01/10/2014
Tweet 01/10/2014 11:06 AM William Richardson, HMC, John Newton @tauntonschool Peter Hamilton @habsboys 'Exams + curriculum change' #HMCconf2014 0 0 2014 01/10/2014
Tweet 01/10/2014 11:07 AM RT @RPBackhouse: @HMC_Org Our attention turns to more prosaic, but extremely important, topic of public examinations, with Peter Hamiktonm … 0 0 2014 01/10/2014
Tweet 01/10/2014 11:13 AM RT @RPBackhouse: It's possible for a pupil to take a new A level, old A level, pre U, and new AS in 2015-17, says @habsboys @HMC_Org 0 0 2014 01/10/2014
Tweet 01/10/2014 11:27 AM RT @independenthead: Alevel reform debate #HMC2014 "Does education have to be examined to be meaningful?" @HMC_Org 0 0 2014 01/10/2014
Tweet 01/10/2014 11:27 AM RT @ElthamHead: Sir John Scarlett, ex head of MI6 on how to guide our children to live wisely in the cyber age. Answer? "Strong personal va… 0 0 2014 01/10/2014
Tweet 01/10/2014 11:41 AM RT @Ed_Dorrell: Barnaby Lenon: "The 're-coupling' of AS and A-levels could happen, but won't for several years" #HMC2014 0 0 2014 01/10/2014
Tweet 01/10/2014 11:46 AM RT @bernardtrafford: “@Ed_Dorrell: Barnaby Lenon: "re-coupling of AS/A-levels cd happen, not for several years" #HMC2014” Govt chaos: we'll… 0 0 2014 01/10/2014
Tweet 01/10/2014 11:47 AM RT @independenthead: "I don't mind what the Government does with the curriculum, so long as they leave us enough time to educate pupils." P… 0 0 2014 01/10/2014
Tweet 01/10/2014 11:49 AM RT @RPBackhouse: @HMC_Org Suggestion that increase in A level difficulty may lead to (increased) need 4 teaching of additional study skills… 0 0 2014 01/10/2014