Tweet 26/08/2014 10:36 AM RT @echeadmaster: @HMC_Chairman @HMC_Org Are other HMC schools actively resisting the proposed MoD/DfE changes to CCF funding?… 0 0 2014 26/08/2014
Tweet 26/08/2014 10:38 AM "@echeadmaster Are other HMC schools actively resisting the proposed MoD/DfE changes to CCF funding?" see weekly news for more details. 0 0 2014 26/08/2014
Tweet 26/08/2014 11:37 AM RT @LeoWinkley: Yorkshire Post article (25 Aug) on exams and the bigger purpose of education. @HMC_Org @yorkshirepost… 0 0 2014 26/08/2014
Tweet 26/08/2014 01:47 PM RT @PrincipalsDesk: Big increase in the number of students gaining straight A*s at independent schools. 0 0 2014 26/08/2014
Tweet 26/08/2014 03:37 PM RT @isc_schools: Why do independent schools get such good results? Asks @barnabylenon, Chairman of ISC, 0 0 2014 26/08/2014
Tweet 27/08/2014 03:38 PM Chris Ramsey @HMC_HigherEd response to Hutton: Independent Schools do more to identify and aid talent than any Uni 0 0 2014 27/08/2014
Tweet 28/08/2014 08:10 AM HMC statement in response to Report from Social Mobility and Child Poverty Commission 'Elitist Britain?' 0 0 2014 28/08/2014
Tweet 28/08/2014 10:33 AM RT @tjjteacher: '... we are part of the solution, not the root of the problem'. From @HMC_Org… 0 0 2014 28/08/2014
Tweet 28/08/2014 12:35 PM Watch @HMC_Chairman Richard Harman on @BBCNews channel today #socialmobility 0 0 2014 28/08/2014
Tweet 28/08/2014 12:36 PM Head of one of London’s leading private schools: 'I wanted job because school gives so many bursaries to poor pupils' 0 0 2014 28/08/2014
Tweet 28/08/2014 12:38 PM #HMChead 'I wanted job because school gives so many bursaries to poor pupils' #HMCschools 0 0 2014 28/08/2014
Tweet 28/08/2014 01:24 PM Watch @HMC_Chairman Richard Harman on @BBCNews now #socialmobility 0 0 2014 28/08/2014