Tweet 27/01/2014 02:35 PM Scottish private schools keep charitable status - and 0 0 2014 27/01/2014
Tweet 27/01/2014 03:35 PM Sept 2014 entries for independent schools being considered now. Find your HMC school @mumsnet @parentdish_uk @Netmums 0 0 2014 27/01/2014
Tweet 28/01/2014 01:40 PM RT @HMCPD: Impressive approaches to careers advice for young people - @OxfordCareers at @HMC_Org Heads of 6th Conf #hmcpd 0 0 2014 28/01/2014
Tweet 28/01/2014 03:06 PM RT @boothamJT: Interesting sidetalk at @HMC_Org meeting at @silcoatesschool: great schools educate, they don't just examine. People > quali… 0 0 2014 28/01/2014
Tweet 29/01/2014 11:49 AM RT @LordWandsworth: Did you read @HM_LWC 's blog on #schoolbursaries following the @HMC_Org @IDPE_Europe conference last week? @isc_schools… 0 0 2014 29/01/2014
Tweet 30/01/2014 09:50 AM Daniel Edwards (Stephen Perse Foundation) asks: "Why Innovate?" : via @syded06 0 0 2014 30/01/2014
Tweet 30/01/2014 11:01 AM Top Dorset independent school reducing day fees to make education more accessible (From Bournemouth Echo)… 0 0 2014 30/01/2014
Tweet 30/01/2014 11:40 AM Birmingham head teacher slams 'bloody shambles' of GCSE tables via @BirminghamMail 0 0 2014 30/01/2014
Tweet 30/01/2014 12:39 PM A divided education system breeds a divided UK | @guardianletters via @guardian 0 0 2014 30/01/2014
Tweet 03/02/2014 10:40 AM RT @CheadleHulmeSch: @hmc_org Read our Head's latest blog about the true meaning of education: 0 0 2014 03/02/2014
Tweet 03/02/2014 03:12 PM Make state schools as good as private, says Michael Gove | via @Telegraph 0 0 2014 03/02/2014
Tweet 03/02/2014 03:13 PM Gove: we must break down 'Berlin Wall' between state and private schools via @guardian 0 0 2014 03/02/2014