Tweet 06/10/2022 09:40 AM RT @exeterhead: What an inspiring talk… thank you @Tanni_GT and we will watch out for low flying cabbages! @HMC_Org 0 0 2022 06/10/2022
Tweet 06/10/2022 09:42 AM RT @RossallHead: Thank you Baroness Grey-Thompson DBE. @Tanni_GT. Wise, moving, funny, eloquent... utterly inspirational. @HMC_Org https://… 0 0 2022 06/10/2022
Tweet 06/10/2022 09:43 AM “2012 amazing, incredible. The best moment in my life as an athlete. But the challenge? What has changed for disabled people? There has been change 10 years on but more needs to be done,” says Barone… 0 0 2022 06/10/2022
Tweet 06/10/2022 09:48 AM RT @robin_macp: "I would love a secretary of state for Education who has actually been a teacher. Just because you've been at school doesn'… 0 0 2022 06/10/2022
Tweet 06/10/2022 09:49 AM RT @SalmondG: What an inspiration Baroness @Tanni_GT is. Thank you for a wonderful speech on day 2 at the @HMC_Org & @iapsuk #EnlightenedEd… 0 0 2022 06/10/2022
Tweet 06/10/2022 09:55 AM In a new @HMC_Org blog it's great to hear Peter Green, Exec. Head @HMC_Org's @RugbySchool1567, discussing his pupils' "refreshing clarity" and why Equity is more important than equality. #Equity #Div… 0 0 2022 06/10/2022
Tweet 06/10/2022 10:39 AM Hear from @HMC_Org Chair Melvyn Roffe @roffeme & @iapsuk Vice-Chair, Charlotte Johnston @lotjohn welcoming delegates to the Enlightened Education Conference. @GWC_News @stpetersprep #… 0 0 2022 06/10/2022
Tweet 06/10/2022 10:50 AM Thank you to all those who have sponsored the @HMC_Org and @iapsuk #EnlightenedEducation22 #Conference. If you're with us here at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre @eicc, then please do v… 0 0 2022 06/10/2022
Tweet 06/10/2022 11:00 AM Lenovo is at the #EnlightenedEducation22 conference today, speaking to heads about productive digital spaces for students & staff. A talented teacher can achieve anything if the environment is right … 0 0 2022 06/10/2022
Tweet 06/10/2022 11:08 AM Marc Randolph, Co-Founder @netflix reflects on his experiences and highlights that one of the #challenges school #leaders face today is the balance between #tradition and #innovation and the need to … 0 0 2022 06/10/2022
Tweet 06/10/2022 11:10 AM We're pleased the @HMC_Org & @iapsuk #EnlightenedEducation22 Conference is supporting two charities with education at their hearts, @benedetti_fdtn & @theirworld. Please scan the QR code or donate @J… 0 0 2022 06/10/2022
Tweet 06/10/2022 11:22 AM Hear from Nigel Aylwin-Foster, Business Development Director @ReEnergiseltd who highlights how school leaders can work towards Net-Zero at their school by putting together a Net-Zero strategy amongst… 0 0 2022 06/10/2022
Tweet 06/10/2022 11:30 AM Follow #EnlightenedEducation22 for all the latest content from the @HMC_Org and @iapsuk Enlightened Education Conference. 0 0 2022 06/10/2022
Tweet 06/10/2022 11:55 AM Liam Harvey, St Mary's School Melrose @SchoolMarys welcomes @Bruce_Adamson, Children's & Young People's Commissioner Scotland @CYPCS to the @HMC_Org & @iapsuk #EnlightenedEducation22 #Conference to d… 0 0 2022 06/10/2022
Tweet 06/10/2022 12:10 PM At the @HMC_Org & @iapsuk Enlightened Education Conference @Bruce_Adamson explores the question ‘What has the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child ever done for us?’ & highlights how … 0 0 2022 06/10/2022
Tweet 06/10/2022 12:13 PM . @Bruce_Adamson says “the voices of children are essential to shaping the rights that affect them, and so they should be” @HMC_Org and @iapsuk Enlightened Education Conference #EnlightenedEducation2… 0 0 2022 06/10/2022
Tweet 06/10/2022 12:17 PM “Schools are places where young people learn to be Human Rights Defenders” on issues that affect them specifically and society in generally says @Bruce_Adamson @HMC_Org and @iapsuk Enlightened Educat… 0 0 2022 06/10/2022
Tweet 06/10/2022 12:23 PM “School communities were essential in providing support to young people during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic” enabling them to gain access to the resources & protection needed in a time of unce… 0 0 2022 06/10/2022
Tweet 06/10/2022 12:26 PM RT @exeterhead: ‘Freedom from poverty helps all children flourish.’ Wow. An incredible seven word story from Bruce Adamson which really get… 0 0 2022 06/10/2022
Tweet 06/10/2022 12:28 PM “Freedom from poverty helps all children flourish” & highlights that every aspect of school life is essential for school leaders to consider in enabling young people to flourish says @Bruce_Adamson a… 0 0 2022 06/10/2022
Tweet 06/10/2022 12:35 PM RT @Philip_Britton: @Bruce_Adamson reflects that children do not want to speak of covid catch up and missing out, but a recognition of what… 0 0 2022 06/10/2022
Tweet 06/10/2022 12:50 PM Thank you to all those who have sponsored the @HMC_Org and @iapsuk #EnlightenedEducation22 #Conference. If you're with us here at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre @eicc, then please do v… 0 0 2022 06/10/2022
Tweet 06/10/2022 12:54 PM RT @roffeme: So pleased to catch up with Shazia and Kainat @theirworld Global Ambassadors and @GWC_News FPs speaking with great passion… 0 0 2022 06/10/2022
Tweet 06/10/2022 01:00 PM Safeguarding is the number 1 priority for every school. But transport can be a safeguarding weakness. Speak to StudentSafe on stand 67 @iapsuk & @HMC_Org #EnlightenedEducation22 #Conference. Ask them… 0 0 2022 06/10/2022