Tweet 05/10/2022 01:18 PM “Welcome to this extraordinary city & to what I hope will be an extraordinary conference, I’m going to make claim that this is the largest conference of independent school heads ever gathered togethe… 0 0 2022 05/10/2022
Tweet 05/10/2022 01:19 PM RT @SalmondG: An excellent opening to the @HMC_Org & @iapsuk #EnlightenedEducation22 #International #Conference by @roffeme @GWC_News on #W… 0 0 2022 05/10/2022
Tweet 05/10/2022 01:20 PM RT @Head_WHS: ‘If the human spirit is to spark, it needs both fuel and friction’. Inspiring opening remarks to the @HMC_Org conference by @… 0 0 2022 05/10/2022
Tweet 05/10/2022 01:28 PM RT @jillberry102: .@lotjohn addressing the @HMC_Org & @iapsuk #EnlightenedEducation22 conference in Edinburgh. Heads meeting together is 't… 0 0 2022 05/10/2022
Tweet 05/10/2022 01:33 PM Chris King, CEO @iapsuk, welcomes Marc Randolph @mbrandolph, Co-Founder of @netflix, to the @HMC_Org and @iapsuk #EnlightenedEducation22 #Conference for a conversation about 'The birth of Netflix and… 0 0 2022 05/10/2022
Tweet 05/10/2022 01:33 PM Lord Provost of Edinburgh @LordProvostEdin addresses @HMC_Org and @iapsuk Enlightened Education Conference & highlights that empowering ourselves is one of the most powerful things we can do to provi… 0 0 2022 05/10/2022
Tweet 05/10/2022 01:34 PM RT @robin_macp: The Lord Provost of Edinburgh Robert Aldridge builds on the theme: the twin pillars of the enlightenment were observation a… 0 0 2022 05/10/2022
Tweet 05/10/2022 01:35 PM Co-founder of @netflix Marc Randolph @mbrandolph enters conversation with Christopher King about the birth of Netflix, innovation and the value of persistence and optimism in leadership @HMC_Org @iap… 0 0 2022 05/10/2022
Tweet 05/10/2022 01:36 PM RT @Philip_Britton: It was very kind of the Lord Provost to welcome us to the city and also to hear such a positivity about partnerships 0 0 2022 05/10/2022
Tweet 05/10/2022 01:37 PM RT @exeterhead: Looking forward to see the connections between Netflix and running an @HMC_Org school from Mark Randolph. It’s all about be… 0 0 2022 05/10/2022
Tweet 05/10/2022 01:39 PM RT @Philip_Britton: Uplifting welcome to #EnlightenedEducation22 from the Chair of @HMC_Org - education is about hope for the future of us… 0 0 2022 05/10/2022
Tweet 05/10/2022 01:40 PM RT @independenthead: Mark Randolph co-founder of @netflix talking about decision making in a time of chaos Don’t try to predict the future… 0 0 2022 05/10/2022
Tweet 05/10/2022 01:41 PM RT @robin_macp: @netflix founder @mbrandolph in conversation at the @HMC_Org conference. He makes a great point about the myth of start ups… 0 0 2022 05/10/2022
Tweet 05/10/2022 01:42 PM There’s a myth about startups that they all come from a vision but it doesn’t happen like that, says Marc Randolph @mbrandolph with @netflix it was one of many ideas we were brainstorming. The skill … 0 0 2022 05/10/2022
Tweet 05/10/2022 01:43 PM RT @independenthead: @mbrandolph “The real skill is how quickly you can get a new idea to collide with the real world.” “You have to learn… 0 0 2022 05/10/2022
Tweet 05/10/2022 01:43 PM RT @robin_macp: “Fear of failure is not a local phenomenon but worldwide. But failure doesn’t hurt. Learn to take small risks that, if they… 0 0 2022 05/10/2022
Tweet 05/10/2022 01:45 PM RT @exeterhead: Don’t fall in love with your idea…. Don’t wish it becomes head of school… it might not make it! Collide it with reality. G… 0 0 2022 05/10/2022
Tweet 05/10/2022 01:48 PM Accepting risk is key and there’s nothing wrong with failure - it’s an opportunity to learn. If your idea fails, move on to the next one - says co-founder of @netflix Marc Randolph @mbrandolph @HMC_O… 0 0 2022 05/10/2022
Tweet 05/10/2022 01:51 PM RT @robin_macp: “What energises me is being on an expedition where we don’t know what the solution is, and we don’t know what’s coming up.… 0 0 2022 05/10/2022
Tweet 05/10/2022 01:51 PM RT @TheLisaKerr: Fascinating talk from @mbrandolph of @netflix at @HMC_Org #EnlightenedEducation22 …. Don’t try to predict the future, inst… 0 0 2022 05/10/2022
Tweet 05/10/2022 01:51 PM RT @independenthead: @mbrandolph “Role of the leader to set the vision and direction and then get out of the way and leave it to others to… 0 0 2022 05/10/2022
Tweet 05/10/2022 01:52 PM RT @rgsheadmaster: We want people loosely coupled but tightly aligned - says Marc Randolph, CEO and founder of Netflix. Inspiring session… 0 0 2022 05/10/2022
Tweet 05/10/2022 01:53 PM RT @robin_macp: “A start-up isn’t a lone person, it’s the team you build up around you. Build a group where your combined skill sets allow… 0 0 2022 05/10/2022
Tweet 05/10/2022 01:54 PM RT @independenthead: @mbrandolph “a startup is not about the founder, but the team that s/he builds around them.” Need to know your strengt… 0 0 2022 05/10/2022