Tweet 24/02/2021 10:00 AM 100% of HMC schools are involved in partnerships with state schools & their local communities. E.g. During the pandemic @BrightonCollege 6th formers have offered online academic support sessions to G… 0 0 2021 24/02/2021
Tweet 25/02/2021 12:59 PM Now the process grades will be awarded has been decided, we must resist the temptation to complain and focus on looking ahead, working with what we can control and influence, as our communities need … 0 0 2021 25/02/2021
Tweet 25/02/2021 02:30 PM Independent schools across the country are improving the life chances of children through providing bursaries, partnerships with state schools & community projects. It's great to read these pupil & p… 0 0 2021 25/02/2021
Tweet 26/02/2021 10:00 AM Book your place on 'Introduction to Leadership Coaching' - A @HMCPD course for senior and middle managers who are either new to coaching or have some experience taking place on 26 April (Part 1) and … 0 0 2021 26/02/2021
Tweet 01/03/2021 10:30 AM Schools across the country are supporting their local communities during the pandemic E.g. In response to feedback from parents about the need to reduce pupil screentime @MonktonBath created a series… 0 0 2021 01/03/2021
Tweet 02/03/2021 10:30 AM Book your place on the 'Major Changes to Statutory NQT Induction from September 2021' webinar taking place on 27th April 2021. This webinar hosted by @IStipNQT is for Heads of Schools and NQT coordin… 0 0 2021 02/03/2021
Tweet 02/03/2021 10:33 AM RT @robin_macp: We've got a great line-up for tonight and a huge turnout, but it's very much a case of 'the more the merrier.' Full details… 0 0 2021 02/03/2021
Tweet 02/03/2021 03:00 PM Independent schools across the country are improving the life chances of children through providing bursaries. It's great to see HMC school @GlenalmondColl launch a sporting challenge that aims to ra… 0 0 2021 02/03/2021
Tweet 03/03/2021 04:30 PM RT @ISC_schools: On Tuesday 23 March (5:30pm - 7pm), @abingdonschool is hosting a live @schoolstogether webinar, showcasing examples of par… 0 0 2021 03/03/2021
Tweet 04/03/2021 10:00 AM Book your place on 'Preparing for Senior Leadership' - A @HMCPD course for aspiring Deputy Heads, Directors of Studies, Assistant Heads and other senior leadership roles taking place on Tuesday 4th M… 0 0 2021 04/03/2021
Tweet 04/03/2021 11:01 AM RT @ISC_schools: ISC blog: The art of conversation and its role in literacy To mark #WorldBookDay, Vincent Rice, literacy coordinator at @… 0 0 2021 04/03/2021
Tweet 05/03/2021 10:00 AM Book your place on 'Employment Law for Heads and Senior Leaders' - A @HMCPD course for Heads of HMC & other independent schools, & members of school Senior Leadership Teams taking place on 5 May (Par… 0 0 2021 05/03/2021
Tweet 05/03/2021 11:37 AM RT @OhgsPrincipal: Testing going very well this week. All ready for Years 8&9 today. Thank you to all the staff involved in making this sig… 0 0 2021 05/03/2021
Tweet 05/03/2021 11:38 AM RT @rgsheadmaster: The pandemic has been tough, for everyone But schools reopen on Monday & that will boost morale because it is a privil… 0 0 2021 05/03/2021
Tweet 05/03/2021 11:38 AM RT @sh_hinchliffe: A huge team effort is ongoing @BradfordGrammar @BgsEstates in preparation for welcoming students back on Monday; & grate… 0 0 2021 05/03/2021
Tweet 05/03/2021 11:38 AM RT @J_M_P_Walker: All year groups have had their first tests with the second today and tomorrow. No positive tests so far. So glad we could… 0 0 2021 05/03/2021
Tweet 05/03/2021 11:39 AM RT @KGSheadmaster: So proud of the #BackToSchool work being performed @KGS1561 Incredible staff & student effort with great support from ou… 0 0 2021 05/03/2021
Tweet 05/03/2021 12:19 PM RT @HamptonSchool: Great to see that our Covid-19 testing is smoothly underway. First up are our Fifth Years and it's great to see them all… 0 0 2021 05/03/2021
Tweet 05/03/2021 12:41 PM RT @stpetersyork: “It’s been a long journey for us, but Monday does mark another important staging post on the way back to normality.” In… 0 0 2021 05/03/2021
Tweet 05/03/2021 12:41 PM RT @HymersHead: In advance of International Women's Day on Monday 8 March @HymersDT have been celebrating the lives and achievements of fem… 0 0 2021 05/03/2021
Tweet 05/03/2021 05:05 PM RT @Caterham_School: WOW! A phenomenal 1881 lateral flow tests completed - we are ready to start classroom lessons first thing Monday morni… 0 0 2021 05/03/2021
Tweet 08/03/2021 08:10 AM Best wishes to all schools in welcoming back their pupils from today and for the rest of the term #returntoschool 0 0 2021 08/03/2021
Tweet 08/03/2021 08:41 AM As schools welcome back pupils today, we can hear from @Kings_Rochester ...… 0 0 2021 08/03/2021
Tweet 08/03/2021 09:15 AM RT @Kings_Rochester: Thank you @BBCBreakfast for inviting us on to chat with @louiseminchin & @mrdanwalker about #BackForGood we hope it br… 0 0 2021 08/03/2021