Tweet 06/01/2021 09:26 AM Real concern this morning about cancelling all this year’s public exams. General Secretary @HMC_Org Dr Simon Hyde tells the Daily Mail @MailOnline this decision was premature See full… 0 0 2021 06/01/2021
Tweet 06/01/2021 09:38 AM Ofqual is indicating that it will vary its approach to awarding this summer across the different qualifications. Importantly, students should keep working. @ofqual 0 0 2021 06/01/2021
Tweet 06/01/2021 05:37 PM We're in January and teachers concerned have been given no idea of what they are assessing, when, or how it is being assessed following the Secretary of State for Education's statement today, says @H… 0 0 2021 06/01/2021
Tweet 07/01/2021 09:32 AM ICYMI: Schools and teachers are being given another massive responsibility normally exercised by exam boards. It feels suspiciously as though the Secretary of State is looking to pass the buck says @… 0 0 2021 07/01/2021
Tweet 07/01/2021 06:44 PM RT @tes: Private school heads are 'quietly fuming' after @GavinWilliamson 'passed the buck' on #GCSEs2021 says @HMC_Org… 0 0 2021 07/01/2021
Tweet 08/01/2021 07:35 AM RT @IE_Today: Independent schools eager to help in vaccination roll-out @rgsheadmaster @DLDPrincipal @VickyBingham @HMC_Org @ISC_schools… 0 0 2021 08/01/2021
Tweet 08/01/2021 09:12 AM Exams are the fairest way to assess pupils. Sadly we are back to teacher assessment again and must be alert to Ministers trying to pass the buck for a bad system, says @HMC_Org General Secretary, Dr … 0 0 2021 08/01/2021
Tweet 08/01/2021 09:50 AM HMC was one of the first to call for priority vaccinations for teachers Please support this petition - now standing at more than 370,000 signatures - to keep schools open and safe buf… 0 0 2021 08/01/2021
Tweet 11/01/2021 02:28 PM HMC is delighted to be part of this voluntary plan to help school staff be vaccinated alongside other priority groups. Read our letter to @BorisJohnson from @HMC_Org and partners AET @CognitaSchools … 0 0 2021 11/01/2021
Tweet 11/01/2021 05:02 PM RT @SallyAnneHuang: Pleased to have represented @HMC_Org in writing to ministers alongside @CognitaSchools @AETAcademies & @OrmistonAcads a… 0 0 2021 11/01/2021
Tweet 12/01/2021 11:12 AM HMC is proud to join forces with partners including the state sector for a voluntary plan to help school staff be vaccinated alongside other priority groups. See letter to @BorisJohnson from @HMC_Org… 0 0 2021 12/01/2021
Tweet 12/01/2021 11:26 AM RT @CognitaSchools: UK schools come together to create a workable plan for @GOVUK to vaccinate teachers and support staff alongside priorit… 0 0 2021 12/01/2021
Tweet 12/01/2021 11:26 AM RT @AETAcademies: We are proud to stand alongside UK schools @CognitaSchools @OrmistonAcads @HMC_Org and support this plan to help school… 0 0 2021 12/01/2021
Tweet 12/01/2021 11:26 AM RT @OrmistonAcads: By standing together🙌our voices are louder and can be heard by many... it is vital for our children's futures that our t… 0 0 2021 12/01/2021
Tweet 12/01/2021 11:28 AM RT @CognitaSchools: Proud to be working with @HMC_Org, @AETAcademies and @OrmistonAcads to develop a viable plan to expand the UK #COVIDvac… 0 0 2021 12/01/2021
Tweet 12/01/2021 12:06 PM RT @CityKidsWest: Read a letter from @CognitaSchools @HMC_Org @aetacademies @ormistonacads to @BorisJohnson offering a plan to help #vaccin… 0 0 2021 12/01/2021
Tweet 12/01/2021 01:26 PM RT @ISC_schools: On Wednesday 20 January, @abingdonschool is hosting a live webinar focusing on practical strategies and techniques for man… 0 0 2021 12/01/2021
Tweet 12/01/2021 02:39 PM RT @KGS1561: @TheKingstonAca & @KGS1561 have joined forces to provide free careers education, coaching & university advice open to all stud… 0 0 2021 12/01/2021
Tweet 13/01/2021 09:27 PM RT @ISC_schools: We have joined with colleagues in education unions, associations and representative bodies to call for teachers and educat… 0 0 2021 13/01/2021
Tweet 14/01/2021 02:14 PM RT @ipswichschool: We want to play our part in helping the local community overcome this pandemic. We have offered our space and staff to @… 0 0 2021 14/01/2021
Tweet 15/01/2021 12:19 PM RT @Emanuel_School: Thanks to the amazing generosity of Emanuel families, we've raised over £10k in 24 hours. So far, 3,840 meals will be d… 0 0 2021 15/01/2021
Tweet 18/01/2021 11:44 AM RT @LeoWinkley: Like many fellow @HMC_Org schools, and school leaders in the state sector, we have offered to act as a vaccination hub to h… 0 0 2021 18/01/2021
Tweet 18/01/2021 11:45 AM RT @SallyAnneHuang: Thank you for your support @LeoWinkley - the response from @HMC_Org schools and academies has been overwhelmingly posit… 0 0 2021 18/01/2021
Tweet 18/01/2021 11:45 AM RT @HelenLPike: We do! @MCSOxford also right behind this one. 0 0 2021 18/01/2021