Tweet 13/08/2020 08:26 AM Best wishes to all students receiving their results today #Alevels #Alevels2020 0 0 2020 13/08/2020
Tweet 13/08/2020 05:46 PM HMC General Secretary Ian Power calls on the Government to rectify flaws in the appeals process against assessed exam grades after a snap poll of heads reveals serious concerns. See the details here:… 0 0 2020 13/08/2020
Tweet 14/08/2020 12:20 PM Children from all backgrounds have been penalised by the Ofqual grading system and independent school heads are equally frustrated and confused says HMC General Secretary @Telegraph @HMC_Org… 0 0 2020 14/08/2020
Tweet 14/08/2020 02:31 PM RT @JulieR_isc: Many disappointed pupils in all kinds of schools need support as schools grapple with the appeals process.… 0 0 2020 14/08/2020
Tweet 14/08/2020 02:36 PM RT @HamptonSchool: GCSE Pupils from our partner schools are making the most of the final day of the summer catch-up programme with revision… 0 0 2020 14/08/2020
Tweet 14/08/2020 10:37 PM RT @ISC_schools: "The Government needs to act in the interests of every young person adversely affected by the situation and to ensure the… 0 0 2020 14/08/2020
Tweet 15/08/2020 11:07 AM RT @GSAUK: Aspiring medics badly affected by #AlevelResults algorithm - GSA education committee chair Alex Hutchinson @WoldinghamHead spea… 0 0 2020 15/08/2020
Tweet 15/08/2020 01:41 PM RT @SallyAnneHuang: The Year 11s awaiting next week’s results and observing the febrile energy around A levels are very much in my mind. Cl… 0 0 2020 15/08/2020
Tweet 15/08/2020 06:08 PM RT @RealGeoffBarton: Here it is - the guidance from Ofqual about what may constitute a ‘valid’ mock exam:… 0 0 2020 15/08/2020
Tweet 15/08/2020 06:37 PM Ofqual’s new guidance allowing the use of non-exam assessments as well as mock exams in grading appeals is welcomed by @HMC_Org Chair Fiona Boulton. Read her comment here: 0 0 2020 15/08/2020
Tweet 16/08/2020 11:32 AM RT @SallyAnneHuang: In any crisis there are things you can’t control & things you can. The Covid crisis was always going to impact on the… 0 0 2020 16/08/2020
Tweet 16/08/2020 11:32 AM RT @Philip_Britton: There is much to do with the immediate issues with A level results with sometimes it is worth giving thought to what ca… 0 0 2020 16/08/2020
Tweet 16/08/2020 12:13 PM Independent schools are also suffering from Ofsted’s assessed grading system, with 94.5 per cent of @HMC_Org heads reporting “significantly” marked down results in a snap poll. Scroll down @thesunday… 0 0 2020 16/08/2020
Tweet 17/08/2020 08:44 AM RT @SallyAnneHuang: Thinking of all school leaders as they wake this morning awaiting clarity on how best to support their A level pupils,… 0 0 2020 17/08/2020
Tweet 17/08/2020 10:29 AM The only way to end the strain on students and schools is by awarding the teacher assessment grades, says incoming @HMC_Org General Secretary and head of @kingsmac, Dr Simon Hyde. See his comments, a… 0 0 2020 17/08/2020
Tweet 17/08/2020 03:32 PM Amid growing criticism by HMC heads of the Government’s exam grading system, the incoming @HMC_Org General Secretary Dr Simon Hyde says teacher assessed grades, though problematic, are now the best w… 0 0 2020 17/08/2020
Tweet 17/08/2020 07:07 PM The Government's decision to allow teacher-assessed grades is not problem free. But it is the fairest way to end the confusion surrounding this year’s exam results, says the incoming @HMC_Org General… 0 0 2020 17/08/2020
Tweet 18/08/2020 10:55 AM Good decision last night, but heads are left juggling the impossible - preparing to publish GCSE CAGs, helping pupils with university places and reopening schools. Let’s remember, pupils in all schoo… 0 0 2020 18/08/2020
Tweet 18/08/2020 12:48 PM RT @JulieR_isc: UK education is diverse across school types. Melissa’s piece shows it’s impossible to generalise. Where parents can choos… 0 0 2020 18/08/2020
Tweet 18/08/2020 01:08 PM RT @HEPI_news: Where are we now, after yesterday’s announcement on young people’s results? Once again, @noookophile makes sense of the mess… 0 0 2020 18/08/2020
Tweet 18/08/2020 03:21 PM No IGCSE or International A level grades will be lower this year than the teacher assessed grades submitted by schools, the Cambridge International exam board has announced 0 0 2020 18/08/2020
Tweet 19/08/2020 04:36 PM HMC backs calls for a public inquiry into the shambles of this year’s exam grading. @HMC_Org General Secretary Dr Simon Hyde says lessons must learned urgently. See his statement here:… 0 0 2020 19/08/2020
Tweet 20/08/2020 08:20 AM Best wishes to all students receiving their results today #gcseresults #gcseresults2020 0 0 2020 20/08/2020
Tweet 21/08/2020 10:42 AM Many educationalists including @HMC_Org foresaw trouble ahead for Ofqual’s flawed exam algorithm @Telegraph 0 0 2020 21/08/2020