Tweet 25/02/2020 10:00 AM Did you know? 100% of HMC schools are in partnerships with state schools. E.g. @TheGSAL & @bishopyoungce CCF partnership is one of longest standing in the country. Students have access to the varied … 0 0 2020 25/02/2020
Tweet 26/02/2020 10:00 AM Did you know? HMC schools contribute £4.9 billion in GVA contribution to UK GDP, provide 99,263 jobs to UK citizens and contribute £1.5 billion in annual tax revenues in the UK. #economicimpact 0 0 2020 26/02/2020
Tweet 27/02/2020 09:06 AM RT @ISC_schools: Partnerships between independent and state schools, which can take many different forms, unlock new educational opportunit… 0 0 2020 27/02/2020
Tweet 27/02/2020 10:00 AM Did you know? 73% of HMC schools share facilities with state schools & the local community. E.g. HMC school, @ipswichschool shares its minibuses with local charity IMPACT, which use the buses to take… 0 0 2020 27/02/2020
Tweet 27/02/2020 03:44 PM RT @ISC_schools: Chair of the APPG on Independent Education @ALewerMBE hosted an event in Parliament earlier this month celebrating the imp… 0 0 2020 27/02/2020
Tweet 28/02/2020 10:00 AM Hear from Olenka Bordakova who came to Britain from Ukraine in 2012 highlight how receiving a #bursary changed her life. She received a full bursary in the form of a Beale Award to study A levels fro… 0 0 2020 28/02/2020
Tweet 28/02/2020 12:39 PM RT @ISC_schools: Independent schools are committed to widening access through bursary schemes. Read more about the valuable work schools ar… 0 0 2020 28/02/2020
Tweet 28/02/2020 03:01 PM Independent schools @ISC_schools spent £403 million on free or subsidised places last year, more than £1 million a day and much more than ten years ago. All HMC schools are involved in partnerships w… 0 0 2020 28/02/2020
Tweet 28/02/2020 03:03 PM RT @ISC_schools: "While there may be a common ethos, every school is different, providing parents with multiple options" - @TheScotsman hig… 0 0 2020 28/02/2020
Tweet 28/02/2020 03:03 PM RT @FHSRegentsPark: @ERantzen @Eton_College @EtonHM @All_Saints_CC @KSA_Secondary @StMarylebone The four London schools came together to ra… 0 0 2020 28/02/2020
Tweet 02/03/2020 04:38 PM RT @ISC_schools: Thousands of independent and state schools across the country are demonstrating that in partnership they can achieve more,… 0 0 2020 02/03/2020
Tweet 03/03/2020 10:00 AM 82% of HMC schools are engaged in music partnerships with state schools. E.g. @RGSGuildford has established a partnership project to encourage more young people to learn the violin and cello. The par… 0 0 2020 03/03/2020
Tweet 03/03/2020 11:32 AM RT @JulieR_isc: Delighted to support this campaign: good governance is hugely important to our school communities. I’m a governor at an i… 0 0 2020 03/03/2020
Tweet 03/03/2020 03:14 PM RT @ISC_schools: State and independent schools across the country work in partnership to provide educational opportunities for greater numb… 0 0 2020 03/03/2020
Tweet 03/03/2020 04:47 PM RT @ASPartnerships: Another busy day of partnerships @abingdonschool with @ASPartnerships science mentoring in full flow and the @AbSciPart… 0 0 2020 03/03/2020
Tweet 04/03/2020 10:00 AM Did you know? HMC school @OHGS1 works with staff & pupils @skiptongirls in a peer mentoring scheme where young people can discuss difficult issues. The partnership takes place in an area chosen by @e… 0 0 2020 04/03/2020
Tweet 04/03/2020 10:23 AM Sad to see anyone criticised for their choice of school @missmcollins. A recent ComRes poll for @HMC_Org found that 68 per cent of people believe parents “should be able to choose to pay for their ch… 0 0 2020 04/03/2020
Tweet 04/03/2020 10:41 AM RT @ASPartnerships: @ASPartnerships has set up a similar scheme in Abingdon with 6th formers from @SHSKSchool @jmsreflect @FitzharrysOX14 a… 0 0 2020 04/03/2020
Tweet 04/03/2020 10:54 AM RT @GSAUK: Watch to hear about the positive experiences that independent-state school partnerships deliver. Everyone benefits. This is one… 0 0 2020 04/03/2020
Tweet 04/03/2020 10:57 AM RT @CLSGgirls: Huge thanks to our retiring Year 13 mentors for their dedication and skill in establishing our mentoring partnership with @C… 0 0 2020 04/03/2020
Tweet 04/03/2020 01:20 PM RT @MonktonHead: Great meeting at Number 10 today pitching the idea that Independent schools have a role to play as crucibles of innovation… 0 0 2020 04/03/2020
Tweet 04/03/2020 04:48 PM RT @HSPartnerships: English Explorers at St Mary's Hampton went on an exciting adventure today - unlocking their imagination and discoverin… 0 0 2020 04/03/2020
Tweet 05/03/2020 10:00 AM Learn more about the formal partnerships between state & independent schools, of which many @HMC_Org schools are involved in @schoolstogether Formal partnerships bridge the gap between schools in the… 0 0 2020 05/03/2020
Tweet 05/03/2020 01:15 PM RT @UCSHampstead: Fantastic to welcome @LAEstratford pupils to UCS for an afternoon of netball. Great to mix the teams up and have playe… 0 0 2020 05/03/2020