Tweet 14/03/2019 10:00 AM The @schoolsofkevi is a charity involved in education at 9 state/independent schools in Birmingham including @KESBham The charity’s schools represent the city's diverse population and its aim is to e… 0 0 2019 14/03/2019
Tweet 14/03/2019 01:32 PM HMC schools add billions of pounds to the UK economy every year. Good to see an example of this with the significant financial benefits @BoltonSchool provides to its local area highlighted here: buff… 0 0 2019 14/03/2019
Tweet 14/03/2019 01:48 PM HMC schools add billions of pounds to the UK economy every year. Good to see an example of this with the significant financial benefits @BoltonSchool provides to its local area highlighted here: buff… 0 0 2019 14/03/2019
Tweet 14/03/2019 03:24 PM HMC schools award bursaries to a large no. of children from deprived or difficult backgrounds allowing them to benefit from a great education and win places at good unis. Great examples are @LatymerU… 0 0 2019 14/03/2019
Tweet 15/03/2019 09:43 AM Harris Westminster 6th Form provides an education for bright teenagers, particularly those from deprived backgrounds. The 6th form is a collab. between the @HarrisFed and @wschool Teachers from @wsch… 0 0 2019 15/03/2019
Tweet 15/03/2019 10:01 AM Independent schools stand ready to open their doors to thousands more children from lower income families says historian Lord Lexden. Time to stop the worn old stereotypes. #realsocialmobility @HMC_O… 0 0 2019 15/03/2019
Tweet 15/03/2019 12:32 PM The evidence is clear that the standards of our GCSEs and IGCSEs are the same says exam board #igcses @Cam_Assessment @CambridgeInt @CambridgeEng 0 0 2019 15/03/2019
Tweet 17/03/2019 10:06 AM RT @RealGeoffBarton: In his magnificent keynote at #ascl2019 about the importance of the arts in education, @LennyHenry also addresses the… 0 0 2019 17/03/2019
Tweet 18/03/2019 07:31 AM RT @Philip_Britton: Have you seen the @HMC_Org @HMC_TT new website on teaching careers in HMC schools? 0 0 2019 18/03/2019
Tweet 18/03/2019 11:55 AM RT @ChrisWheeler77: I am honoured to have been appointed as Vice Chair @HMC_Org. I am honoured to serve as we strive to represent the voice… 0 0 2019 18/03/2019
Tweet 18/03/2019 12:48 PM Testing yourself regularly and getting a good night’s sleep are the best ways to prepare for exams says new research-based guide by @HMC_Org school @QASCaversham @BrainCando… 0 0 2019 18/03/2019
Tweet 18/03/2019 03:55 PM RT @ISC_schools: "Sniff a lemon or squeeze your ear" - just some of the advice offered in a “neuroscience” revision guide produced by @QASC… 0 0 2019 18/03/2019
Tweet 18/03/2019 07:29 PM RT @DMarkLauder: Independent and State Schools work well together for the benefit of all children when leadership focuses on educational ou… 0 0 2019 18/03/2019
Tweet 19/03/2019 09:46 AM Congratulations to footballer Callum Hudson-Odoi @Calteck10 @HMC_Org school @WhitgiftSchool1 alumnus on receiving his first @England senior squad call-up.…… 0 0 2019 19/03/2019
Tweet 19/03/2019 09:53 AM IGCSEs are internationally recognised qualifications that are comparable with GCSEs says exam board, Cambridge International. @Telegraph @Cam_Assessment @CambridgeInt @CambridgeEng #I… 0 0 2019 19/03/2019
Tweet 19/03/2019 10:02 AM The @BSETEastHerts includes most of the town’s state/independent schools including @BSCollege The Trust runs school-centred ITT for grads & career changers joining the teaching profession. Trust memb… 0 0 2019 19/03/2019
Tweet 19/03/2019 03:55 PM RT @SIMSIndependent: Looking to expand your #bursary scheme? #socialmobility is a key driver for David Goodhew @LatymerHead, and the SLT @L… 0 0 2019 19/03/2019
Tweet 20/03/2019 10:32 AM HMC school @Caterham_School aims to expand its partnership & support of schools & charities overseas. The school already raises funds for & arranges trips to support a variety of schools overseas inc… 0 0 2019 20/03/2019
Tweet 20/03/2019 11:40 AM Good to see Sports Minister @mimsdavies backing girls’ sport HMC research shows our girls play very high levels of sport throughout their teens & over 3,000 represent their country or… 0 0 2019 20/03/2019
Tweet 20/03/2019 12:41 PM Hundreds of HMC schools quietly get on with supporting girls in state schools to play sport every day 0 0 2019 20/03/2019
Tweet 20/03/2019 02:02 PM Great to see Art pupils at HMC school @KingsTaunton getting creative as they began a fundraising campaign for @restart_africa a #charity caring for vulnerable children in Kenya. 95% o… 0 0 2019 20/03/2019
Tweet 20/03/2019 03:44 PM RT @HamptonSchool: It was wonderful to welcome over 350 musicians from our local partnership schools to the annual @HamptonSchool @LEHSchoo… 0 0 2019 20/03/2019
Tweet 20/03/2019 05:52 PM RT @SHSKHead: Great example of students from different schools sharing interests and perspectives (part 1) @schoolstogether @HMC_Org https:… 0 0 2019 20/03/2019
Tweet 20/03/2019 05:52 PM RT @SHSKHead: and schools in partnership part 2 ... @schoolstogether @HMC_Org @PhysicsNews… 0 0 2019 20/03/2019