Tweet 19/12/2018 11:55 AM A great example of an @HMC_Org school fundraising for a local charitable cause over the Pre-Christmas period and beyond. 95% of all HMC schools have pupils or staff who volunteer & fundraise. Well do… 0 0 2018 19/12/2018
Tweet 19/12/2018 12:02 PM RT @SallyAnneHuang: Really grateful for all the support for and interest in #headteachersreallife - especially from @HMC_Org @GSAUK and @IS… 0 0 2018 19/12/2018
Tweet 19/12/2018 12:21 PM Watch Sally-Anne Huang @SallyAnneHuang @HMC_Org Vice-Chair and pupils @JAGSschool talk about the #headteachersreallife social media campaign & the positive impact it's having on heads, teachers and p… 0 0 2018 19/12/2018
Tweet 22/12/2018 01:23 PM RT @HMCExecDirector: Exam appeals: ‘Don’t blame private schools for an unfair appeals system’ @HMC_Org… 0 0 2018 22/12/2018
Tweet 30/12/2018 11:17 AM And there’s no evidence to say GCSEs are more rigorous in any case. IGCSE often chosen for content eg Maths.… 0 0 2018 30/12/2018
Tweet 02/01/2019 09:13 AM RT @SallyAnneHuang: My response to this weekend’s dramatic headlines and the real process behind the @JAGSschool decision to retain some IG… 0 0 2019 02/01/2019
Tweet 05/01/2019 09:56 AM RT @benendenschool: Higher rates of depression in girls is linked to the greater time they spend on social media according to a recent surv… 0 0 2019 05/01/2019
Tweet 07/01/2019 06:46 PM RT @HMCExecDirector: Great initiative! Can only be good for everyone if more ambitious, capable young people grab the opp that a good unive… 0 0 2019 07/01/2019
Tweet 08/01/2019 09:47 AM In a letter in the @guardian newspaper Andrew Halls, Headmaster @KCSWimbledon highlights Andrew Halls of King’s College School writes that there is barely any difference in difficulty between GCSEs a… 0 0 2019 08/01/2019
Tweet 08/01/2019 09:49 AM RT @rgsheadmaster: The Arts are so important in a great education, in & beyond the classroom. This is education for life where creativity &… 0 0 2019 08/01/2019
Tweet 08/01/2019 09:56 AM RT @HMCExecDirector: Many schools already use means-tested awards for the vast majority of their financial support for pupils. Governors ar… 0 0 2019 08/01/2019
Tweet 08/01/2019 12:38 PM RT @HMCExecDirector: A great example of clarity from Head at SVS. @HMC_Org… 0 0 2019 08/01/2019
Tweet 10/01/2019 10:10 AM RT @attainmagazine: Featured in the Spring Attain: Jane Lunnon @Head_WHS @WimbledonHigh explores the benefits of children reading a newspap… 0 0 2019 10/01/2019
Tweet 10/01/2019 10:12 AM RT @Cam_Assessment: Our researcher Tom Benton responds to questions about the comparability of IGCSEs and reformed GCSEs:… 0 0 2019 10/01/2019
Tweet 10/01/2019 12:56 PM RT @DigitalSisters: Here's a clip of DAUK Co-Founder Emma Robertson talking about social media and mental health on BBC World yesterday. Ho… 0 0 2019 10/01/2019
Tweet 11/01/2019 12:06 PM Shaun Fenton @rgsheadmaster HMC Chair, says "Don’t blame independent schools for sometimes choosing IGCSEs". Read the full piece in @SchoolsWeek #IGCSE 0 0 2019 11/01/2019
Tweet 11/01/2019 03:00 PM Lots of universities can offer students the same as Oxbridge – or better. Not getting in isn't a failure, says HMC Chair, Shaun Fenton @rgsheadmaster @tes 0 0 2019 11/01/2019
Tweet 11/01/2019 04:45 PM 60 second Q&A with Mike Buchanan @HMCExecDirector Executive Director of @HMC_Org who discusses leadership and his role at HMC amongst a number of other topics. Read more: in Autumn/Wi… 0 0 2019 11/01/2019
Tweet 13/01/2019 02:22 PM And @Welly_Master has been leading the way with many others. Fortunately, many will see through the #ClickBait headline. @Welly_Master can be extremely proud of his consistent positive messages. twit… 0 0 2019 13/01/2019
Tweet 15/01/2019 10:23 AM Read our latest HMC Blog titled 'Questioning GCSE' from @HMC_Org member and Headmaster @BedalesSchool Magnus Bashaarat @MagnusBashaarat #GCSE 0 0 2019 15/01/2019
Tweet 15/01/2019 03:11 PM Did you know over 75% of HMC schools are involved in music partnerships? E.g @JohnLyonHarrow 'Music Junction' project brings young people from varying social & economic backgrounds together to promot… 0 0 2019 15/01/2019
Tweet 15/01/2019 03:31 PM RT @ISC_schools: Did you know that for every four jobs in ISC schools, a further three are supported elsewhere in the UK?… 0 0 2019 15/01/2019
Tweet 15/01/2019 03:31 PM RT @ISC_schools: Partnerships between schools in the independent and state sectors are well-established and benefit increasing numbers of c… 0 0 2019 15/01/2019
Tweet 15/01/2019 04:38 PM Over 95% of HMC schools are engaged in sporting partnerships with state schools. E.g @bedesnews swimming pool is available free of charge for 3 local state primary schools to provide swimming coaches… 0 0 2019 15/01/2019