Tweet 04/10/2018 11:49 AM RT @DigitalSisters: Couldn't be prouder of our new #TechControl video created with @HMC_Org to help young people use tech responsibly. Chec… 0 0 2018 04/10/2018
Tweet 04/10/2018 11:50 AM RT @tes: 'Dark memes' are contributing to the normalisation of racism, sexism and homophobia, says Emma Robertson of @DigitalSisters https:… 0 0 2018 04/10/2018
Tweet 04/10/2018 11:50 AM RT @millfieldhead: Great to see the launch of Tech Control 2018… from @HMC_Org and @DigitalSisters Three really insp… 0 0 2018 04/10/2018
Tweet 04/10/2018 11:56 AM HMC and Digital Awareness UK @DigitalSisters launched Tech Control 2018 at #HMCConf18 to promote the safe and responsible use of technology and social media. View our video link. #esa… 0 0 2018 04/10/2018
Tweet 04/10/2018 12:08 PM RT @MTCSouthwold: RT @millfieldhead: Great to see the launch of Tech Control 2018… from @HMC_Org and @DigitalSisters… 0 0 2018 04/10/2018
Tweet 04/10/2018 12:12 PM RT @DigitalSisters: @HMC_Org and @DigitalSisters survey reveals alarming content shared by teenage boys in @MailOnline #HMCConf18 https://t… 0 0 2018 04/10/2018
Tweet 04/10/2018 01:47 PM RT @ReedsSchool: Excellent resource and positive messages around the use of the digital environment @HMC_Org @DigitalSisters… 0 0 2018 04/10/2018
Tweet 04/10/2018 04:00 PM HMC and Digital Awareness UK @DigitalSisters launched Tech Control 2018 at #HMCConf18 to promote the safe and responsible use of technology and social media. View our video link: #esa… 0 0 2018 04/10/2018
Tweet 04/10/2018 05:28 PM RT @HeadmasterRHS: How many RHS pupils can you spot?Tech Control 2018 via @YouTube 0 0 2018 04/10/2018
Tweet 04/10/2018 05:28 PM RT @DigitalSisters: Huge thanks to @MrMacFeed @HeadmasterRHS and all at @rhssuffolk who helped to make the incredible #TechControl video po… 0 0 2018 04/10/2018
Tweet 04/10/2018 05:42 PM RT @IpswichHead: Good to see the #TechControl message developing in this way. @HMC_Org… 0 0 2018 04/10/2018
Tweet 04/10/2018 07:38 PM RT @HamptonSchool: Engaging and thought-provoking video from @DigitalSisters and @HMC_Org about using tech well. We encourage all Hamptonia… 0 0 2018 04/10/2018
Tweet 04/10/2018 09:30 PM Promoting the healthy use of tech and social media, we have launched our Tech Control 2018 video and lesson plans with @DigitalSisters Our new pupil poll reveals the sharing of offens… 0 0 2018 04/10/2018
Tweet 05/10/2018 12:26 AM HMC Member Jane Lunnon @Head_WHS on @itvlondon highlighting that the reality TV show Love Island is dangerous for teenagers’ wellbeing as they are likely to feel pressurised to conform to a stereotyp… 0 0 2018 05/10/2018
Tweet 05/10/2018 06:00 AM Tech Control 2018 is launched promoting healthy use of tech by children and young people HMC and Digital Awareness UK @DigitalSisters survey reveals alarming content shared by teenage… 0 0 2018 05/10/2018
Tweet 05/10/2018 06:31 AM Promoting the healthy use of tech and social media, we have launched our Tech Control 2018 video and lesson plans with @DigitalSisters Our new pupil poll reveals the sharing of offens… 0 0 2018 05/10/2018
Tweet 05/10/2018 07:53 AM As part of a piece in @tes HMC Executive Director Mike Buchanan @HMCExecDirector and head @putneyhigh Suzie Longstaff @SLongstaff discuss the benefits of creating a school environment where staff and… 0 0 2018 05/10/2018
Tweet 05/10/2018 07:58 AM In @Telegraph HMC's higher education spokesman, Chris Ramsey @HMC_HigherEd, says there's a growing concern in schools about universities admitting students whose A-level results are well below their … 0 0 2018 05/10/2018
Tweet 05/10/2018 09:09 AM A piece from @thetimes featuring the announcement of three HMC Member schools @wschool @StPaulsSchool @WellingtonUK that they are abandoning the Common Entrance exam 0 0 2018 05/10/2018
Tweet 05/10/2018 09:10 AM HMC Member Patrick Derham @PatrickDerham outlines why @wschool is abandoning the Common Entrance exam in a piece in @thetimes 0 0 2018 05/10/2018
Tweet 05/10/2018 09:22 AM RT @SallyAnneHuang: Of course we should celebrate our teachers every day of the year. But on #WorldTeacherDay my question is to those who… 0 0 2018 05/10/2018
Tweet 05/10/2018 10:00 AM HMC and Digital Awareness UK @DigitalSisters launched Tech Control 2018 at #HMCConf18 to promote the safe and responsible use of technology and social media. Share our video link and spread the word:… 0 0 2018 05/10/2018
Tweet 05/10/2018 12:21 PM RT @OhgsPrincipal: Excellent short film offering advice on screen time from the @HMC_Org annual conference (in Manchester this year!) https… 0 0 2018 05/10/2018
Tweet 05/10/2018 01:20 PM Have you seen our HMC Autumn Conference video featuring @barnabylenon @ISC_schools? Independent schools save the taxpayer £3.5billion pounds every year because those children coming to our schools ar… 0 0 2018 05/10/2018