Tweet 16/08/2018 03:24 PM RT @BSNetherlands: Once again, this year's #ALevel results exemplify the hard work and dedication of BSN students. Results were consistent… 0 0 2018 16/08/2018
Tweet 16/08/2018 03:30 PM RT @theabbeyschool: A huge congratulations to all our students for their phenomenal A-level results today! A stunning 92% of entries achiev… 0 0 2018 16/08/2018
Tweet 16/08/2018 03:32 PM RT @ArdinglyHead: Girls also proving that co-education is no barrier to academic excellence. 35% A*s and 75% A*/As by the @ArdinglyCollege… 0 0 2018 16/08/2018
Tweet 16/08/2018 03:33 PM RT @AshvilleCollege: Ashville celebrates as pupils achieve a rise in A-Level grades. Read more here: 0 0 2018 16/08/2018
Tweet 16/08/2018 03:42 PM RT @cheltladiescoll: Congratulations to all our girls who received their #ALevelResults today, with A* grades making up almost a third of r… 0 0 2018 16/08/2018
Tweet 16/08/2018 03:43 PM RT @denstonecollege: Denstone College pupils of 2018 are celebrating some fantastic A Level results yet again. There have been notable succ… 0 0 2018 16/08/2018
Tweet 16/08/2018 03:57 PM RT @SHHSforGirls: Well done to all our students on their results today. Two thirds (67%) of all A level entries and 100% of Extended Projec… 0 0 2018 16/08/2018
Tweet 16/08/2018 04:00 PM Pupils at @BrightonCollege have a 'real interest' in studying languages and learning about other cultures despite this year’s national decline, says Headmaster and @HMC_Org Member, Richard Cairns. bu… 0 0 2018 16/08/2018
Tweet 16/08/2018 04:30 PM RT @KESBath: Many congratulations to the class of 2018 on their excellent A Level results, out today. 27.5% of grades at A* (a new record)… 0 0 2018 16/08/2018
Tweet 16/08/2018 04:34 PM RT @YarmSchool: Well done to all our A level students! Outstanding results 20% A* grades and 53% A*/A grades. Huge congratulations to pupil… 0 0 2018 16/08/2018
Tweet 16/08/2018 04:37 PM RT @BGSBristol: Congratulations to our students who have collected their A level and Pre-U results this morning. 54% A*/A with 83% A*-B.… 0 0 2018 16/08/2018
Tweet 16/08/2018 04:51 PM RT @BrightonCollege: 82% A*/ A grades no wonder our Upper Sixth are levitating #alevelresultsday2018 #MostForwardThinkingSchool #welldone h… 0 0 2018 16/08/2018
Tweet 16/08/2018 04:57 PM RT @Chethams: CONGRATULATIONS to our wonderful Year 13 leavers, who celebrate outstanding A-level results today! With a 100% pass rate and… 0 0 2018 16/08/2018
Tweet 16/08/2018 04:58 PM RT @ReptonSchool: Congratulations to #ReptonSchool pupils who achieved an excellent set of #alevelresults2018 with 44.4% of entries receivi… 0 0 2018 16/08/2018
Tweet 16/08/2018 04:58 PM RT @Churchers1722: Churcher's College A Level Results 2018 - quite exceptional! 21.5% A* grades, almost 55% A* and A and 87% A* to B grade… 0 0 2018 16/08/2018
Tweet 16/08/2018 06:26 PM RT @OakhamSch: Congratulations to all of our students who have received their #ALevelResults today! Read more > htt… 0 0 2018 16/08/2018
Tweet 16/08/2018 06:26 PM RT @OakhamSch: On #alevelresultsday & #Madonna 's birthday, read our Headmaster's blog 'Controversy, Reinvention and Success - what Madonna… 0 0 2018 16/08/2018
Tweet 17/08/2018 08:59 AM RT @MillfieldSenior: Well done to our Upper Sixth on their exam results today: pupils achieved 33% A* and A grades or equivalent, the highe… 0 0 2018 17/08/2018
Tweet 17/08/2018 09:00 AM RT @UppinghamSchool: Congratulations to our Upper Sixth who have excelled in their exams this year - more than a third of the year group ha… 0 0 2018 17/08/2018
Tweet 17/08/2018 09:01 AM RT @MCSOxford: Great A level results today! 96% A*-B with over 42% A* and over 82% A*-A. 15 pupils have 4A*s or more and 39 have 3 or more… 0 0 2018 17/08/2018
Tweet 17/08/2018 09:12 AM RT @tauntonschool: #ALevelResultsDay was incredible yesterday as taking all A Level, BTEC and IB programmes together, 46% of our sixth form… 0 0 2018 17/08/2018
Tweet 17/08/2018 09:30 AM Did you know HMC is on Instagram? Follow hmc_org on Instagram to learn more about HMC and activities taking place at HMC schools. #LeadingIndependentSchools 0 0 2018 17/08/2018
Tweet 18/08/2018 07:45 AM Head @QASCaversham Julia Harrington passes on advice for parents whose children didn't achieve the A-level exam results they wanted in @timesweekend 0 0 2018 18/08/2018
Tweet 19/08/2018 09:57 AM "Teenagers’ mental health is not helped by creating a perfection delusion, whereby anything less than a row of the highest grades is a failure," says Andrew Halls, head @KCSWimbledon in @thesundaytim… 0 0 2018 19/08/2018
Tweet 20/08/2018 08:00 AM It's GCSE Results Day this Thursday! A reminder for all HMC schools, please remember to tag @HMC_Org into your tweets so that we can like and retweet them on our twitter page. Good luck to all pupils… 0 0 2018 20/08/2018
Tweet 22/08/2018 08:00 AM It's GCSE Results Day tomorrow! A reminder for all HMC schools, please remember to tag @HMC_Org into your tweets so that we can like and retweet them on our twitter page. Good luck to all pupils rece… 0 0 2018 22/08/2018
Tweet 22/08/2018 02:13 PM Writing in @Telegraph HMC Member @Head_WHS head @WimbledonHigh advises on next steps after receiving GCSE results 0 0 2018 22/08/2018
Tweet 23/08/2018 07:30 AM Independent schools deal with unreliable tests by using interviews – universities must follow suit, says HMC Higher Education spokesman Chris Ramsey @HMC_HigherEd in @tes 0 0 2018 23/08/2018
Tweet 23/08/2018 09:06 AM RT @HelloFreemens: @RJMHM “It is thanks to the hard work and commitment of our students, the dedication and professionalism of our teaching… 0 0 2018 23/08/2018
Tweet 23/08/2018 09:07 AM RT @WycliffeHead: As ever, @WycliffeCollege 'value-added' looking especially impressive in this morning's GCSE results. However, raw-data-… 0 0 2018 23/08/2018
Tweet 23/08/2018 09:07 AM RT @wschool: Another excellent year for Westminster pupils at GCSE: 85.2% A*; 97.1% A*/A. 59 pupils with 10 or more A*s. Congratulations! @… 0 0 2018 23/08/2018
Tweet 23/08/2018 09:08 AM RT @BCAbuDhabi: @BCAbuDhabi is celebrating another year of record breaking GCSE results which is a testament to the academic excellence tha… 0 0 2018 23/08/2018
Tweet 23/08/2018 09:08 AM RT @Herefordcs1: Hereford Cathedral School is celebrating outstanding successes in today’s GCSE results, with over 50% of all grades being… 0 0 2018 23/08/2018
Tweet 23/08/2018 09:25 AM RT @ThePerseSchool: Congratulations to @ThePerseSchool Y11 pupils on their excellent performance in achieving record-breaking #GCSEResults… 0 0 2018 23/08/2018
Tweet 23/08/2018 12:20 PM RT @KHSWarwick: King’s High School GCSE pupils celebrated their outstanding results: 73% A* to A (9-7 on numeric grading system), 51% A* (… 0 0 2018 23/08/2018
Tweet 23/08/2018 12:21 PM RT @JAGSschool: Well done to our brilliant Year 11 girls on their GCSE results! 75% of results at A* or equivalent (8/9) and 92% A*/A. Of a… 0 0 2018 23/08/2018
Tweet 23/08/2018 12:23 PM RT @SHSKSchool: A library full of celebration, happy tears, proud parents and ecstatic girls - we're thrilled for them and all they've achi… 0 0 2018 23/08/2018
Tweet 23/08/2018 12:23 PM RT @bablakeschool: It's another year of record-breaking #gcseresults for Bablake School as we celebrate our fantastic pupils achieving an a… 0 0 2018 23/08/2018
Tweet 23/08/2018 12:24 PM RT @SASHerts: A huge congratulations to our Fifth Formers and their GCSE success! With 58% of the School's GCSEs taken awarded A* or 9 - 8… 0 0 2018 23/08/2018
Tweet 23/08/2018 12:25 PM RT @RGSGuildford: #RGSGuildford A report on this year's GCSE results and comment from the Headmaster, Dr Jon Cox, are now posted on the web… 0 0 2018 23/08/2018
Tweet 23/08/2018 12:26 PM RT @oratoryschool: We are delighted to share that 46% of all GCSE grades achieved today were the top grades 9-7 (A*-A). Read all about our… 0 0 2018 23/08/2018
Tweet 23/08/2018 12:27 PM RT @stpetersyork: Excellent results all round, plus 9 pupils achieved 10 or more grades at A* and 9-8, and 27 pupils achieved A*- A and 9-7… 0 0 2018 23/08/2018
Tweet 23/08/2018 12:29 PM RT @Royal_Russell: Today we celebrate our BEST EVER GCSE results, with over 50% of all grades at A* A ! Congratulations to all our girls an… 0 0 2018 23/08/2018
Tweet 23/08/2018 12:31 PM RT @JESS_Director: Congratulations to our Year 11 pupils and the @JESSDubai staff on another record-breaking set of GCSE results: 40% A*, 7… 0 0 2018 23/08/2018
Tweet 23/08/2018 12:32 PM RT @ReptonSchool: Congratulations to #ReptonSchool pupils who have achieved the best GCSE examination results in a generation on #gcseresul… 0 0 2018 23/08/2018
Tweet 23/08/2018 12:33 PM RT @MoretonHall: There's cause for celebration at Moreton following another excellent year of GCSE results!… @HMC… 0 0 2018 23/08/2018
Tweet 23/08/2018 12:34 PM RT @ReigateGrammar: Don't believe the hype! Despite stories in the media of a scarcity of top grades, we are delighted to have achieved a h… 0 0 2018 23/08/2018
Tweet 23/08/2018 12:35 PM RT @benendenschool: 57 per cent of all grades at A* or equivalent - well done to our #GCSE girls on a remarkable set of results! @HMC_Org @… 0 0 2018 23/08/2018