Tweet 28/06/2018 10:09 AM "Happy pupils perform better in school and in life...It's time for a shift in priorities: one of the aims of education must be to ensure pupils flourish", says HMC Executive Director Designate and He… 0 0 2018 28/06/2018
Tweet 28/06/2018 11:01 AM RT @intSchools: In a world of scrolling timelines.. how much is too much? small changes can make a massive difference! #TechControl #Social… 0 0 2018 28/06/2018
Tweet 28/06/2018 12:05 PM RT @KGSheadmaster: Work Well AND Be Happy (Bene Agere Ac Laetari) has and always will be an important mix for genuine success. Not just get… 0 0 2018 28/06/2018
Tweet 28/06/2018 03:42 PM RT @Birkenhead_Head: Looking to develop happy, resilient and balanced students is part of the @BirkenheadSchl DNA. Participation in a broad… 0 0 2018 28/06/2018
Tweet 29/06/2018 12:38 PM Headmistress @NorwichHigh Kirsty von Malaisé, writes for @tes arguing that teachers need to support students to accomplish their aspirations and 'dream big'. 0 0 2018 29/06/2018
Tweet 30/06/2018 09:38 AM HMC Chair Elect and Headmaster @ReigateGrammar Shaun Fenton says: “It’s important that we focus on students rather than statistics; anyone who has worked hard and doesn’t get a 9 should celebrate and… 0 0 2018 30/06/2018
Tweet 30/06/2018 09:41 AM Read @HMC_Org response to Cambridge research on predicted numbers of GCSE grade 9s in summer 2018 from HMC Chair Elect and Headmaster @ReigateGrammar Shaun Fenton. 0 0 2018 30/06/2018
Tweet 02/07/2018 01:52 PM Chief executive of Cambridge Assessment International Education @Cam_Assessment writes in letters to the @thesundaytimes "As creators of the IGCSE, we would like to clarify that it is every bit as ri… 0 0 2018 02/07/2018
Tweet 02/07/2018 04:16 PM RT @benendenschool: Great day spent launching the @BMAAUK microlight which the girls have built themselves over the past 18 months - the ne… 0 0 2018 02/07/2018
Tweet 02/07/2018 04:16 PM RT @benendenschool: Listen to two of the pupils here who built the @BMAAUK microlight talking about the experience on @bbcworldservice this… 0 0 2018 02/07/2018
Tweet 03/07/2018 12:13 PM HMC school @EpsomCollegeUK is one of a growing number of schools to adopt the Royal National Children's Springboard Foundation scheme @SpringboardBF - which gives pupils from disadvantaged background… 0 0 2018 03/07/2018
Tweet 04/07/2018 09:58 AM HMC Executive Director Designate and Head @AshfordSchool Mike Buchanan @Ashfordhead says "Teachers should demonstrate the behaviours they want children to show in school... For example, teachers who … 0 0 2018 04/07/2018
Tweet 04/07/2018 12:31 PM RT @rgsheadmaster: Today @DamianHinds said that he is committed to social mobility and is working for all children, from whatever backgroun… 0 0 2018 04/07/2018
Tweet 06/07/2018 09:08 AM RT @RHSBHead: Why I’m flying the flag for the IB Diploma - my latest blog -… #IB #IBresults @gdst @GSAUK @ISC_school… 0 0 2018 06/07/2018
Tweet 06/07/2018 09:17 AM RT @ISC_schools: "Most income generated from our intl schools goes straight into bursary funds & towards other programmes for widening acce… 0 0 2018 06/07/2018
Tweet 06/07/2018 09:36 AM Read our latest @HMC_Org blog from HMC Member and Headmaster of @ThePerseSchool, Ed Elliott, about the equivalence or otherwise of qualifications bearing the name ‘GCSE’. 0 0 2018 06/07/2018
Tweet 06/07/2018 09:47 AM Julian Thomas, Master of @WellingtonUK College, writes for @tes about the school's ambitious campaign to increase bursary provision, arguing that independent schools can transform lives by offering f… 0 0 2018 06/07/2018
Tweet 06/07/2018 10:14 AM A new generation of independent school leaders from HMC schools are devising sports curricula emphasising inclusivity and pupil choice in light of studies that identify a central link between health,… 0 0 2018 06/07/2018
Tweet 06/07/2018 10:21 AM Headmaster of @solsch1560 and HMC Member, David EJJ Lloyd has launched a joint initiative with parents in a bid to stop ‘tweenage’ pupils accessing inappropriate social media content. 0 0 2018 06/07/2018
Tweet 09/07/2018 12:32 PM RT @OhgsPrincipal: OHGS’s partnership work extends far beyond these shores! Best wishes to these pupils and staff travelling to our partner… 0 0 2018 09/07/2018
Tweet 09/07/2018 12:33 PM RT @BoltonSchool: Snr Boys @BoltonSchool are setting off on their 12 mile charity walk. Fires on #WinterHill have meant a change of routes… 0 0 2018 09/07/2018
Tweet 10/07/2018 11:38 AM RT @HMCPD: Excellent book on sustaining resilience as a leader from @chrysalisleader - summer reading in preparation for next term? @HMC_Or… 0 0 2018 10/07/2018
Tweet 10/07/2018 11:39 AM RT @BedalesSchool: Keith Budge’s last blog post as Headmaster is based on his last school assembly, where he pondered journeys – some strai… 0 0 2018 10/07/2018
Tweet 10/07/2018 12:25 PM RT @StrathallanSch: Wow! Great coverage in @thetimesscot and @TheScotsman today about Our pupil’s fantastic invention! 👏👏👏… 0 0 2018 10/07/2018