Tweet 15/08/2019 03:02 PM RT @KESBath: A snapshot of our A Level Results, announced today #KESBathNews #alevelresultsday2019 #alevels2019 - Full story here https://… 0 0 2019 15/08/2019
Tweet 15/08/2019 02:38 PM RT @WboroSenior: Congratulations to our Upper Sixth for their fantastic #alevelresultsday2019! Over 60% of the 21 A level subjects we offer… 0 0 2019 15/08/2019
Tweet 11/08/2019 03:29 PM The unreliability of exam grades is not to do with marking but rather grading ie fitting hard boundaries to a range of legitimate marks. This is a crucial distinction as there are simple (though neve… 0 0 2019 11/08/2019