Tweet 24/03/2015 01:57 PM @HMC_Org Spring Conference underway at @britishlibrary to discuss qualifications, reform & admissions to #highereducation 0 0 2015 24/03/2015
Tweet 08/05/2012 10:10 AM 91.7% of pupils in #HMCSchools continue onto #HigherEducation #IndEdu 0 0 2012 08/05/2012
Tweet 01/03/2012 08:56 AM 62% of Britons say universities should admit students purely on their academic ability #highereducation #fairaccess 0 0 2012 01/03/2012
Tweet 23/02/2012 08:35 AM 91.5% of sixth-form leavers from #IndependentSchools continue to #highereducation, well over double the national average #IndEdu #HMCSchools 0 0 2012 23/02/2012
Tweet 10/11/2011 09:40 AM 59% of people feel they have little or no understanding of finance system for #highereducation get the facts at 0 0 2011 10/11/2011
Tweet 03/11/2011 11:03 AM Did you know 91.5% of sixth-form leavers from #IndependentSchools continue to #highereducation, well over double the national average 0 0 2011 03/11/2011
Tweet 11/10/2011 09:35 AM Do you think there should be closer contact between #schools and #universities to help students with their transition to #highereducation ? 0 0 2011 11/10/2011